TBT's Tenth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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This song perfectly reflects how I feel right now trying to solve these clues:
And I'm not even gonna bother with #8, I'm very bad at math and it looks wayyy to complicated. 😭
Me after finding clue 9:
For #6, 'Sailing' did sound like kappn (as someone already mentioned), but wait to see the horizon I thought might refer to time zones that had to wait for the update.

I was also thinking reinforcements could have something to do with restocks of collectibles, but haven't had luck there, either.
We're still trying to figure out community egg 6? Could it possibly have something to do with...

changing your preferences so that the time zone is set to the morning? I tried just doing that, but all I got was a lovely sunrise, didn't find an egg.
But perhaps there's one only available when your time zone is set to one that's in the morning. Perhaps you have to wait on a certain screen for a certain amount of time, like Earthbound or something. ^o^;>

I'm not sure about the other parts of the clue, I just got fixated on the "this morning" and "wait to see the horizon" parts.

Can confirm that waiting for the hour to roll over during the website sunrise doesn't seem to do anything.
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surely the horizon part has to refer to the game? you can almost always see a physical horizon (and you would if you were sailing unless the weather was total garbage), so it's unlikely to be that, and i doubt it means the sun rising because i've personally never heard anyone refer to dawn/daybreak/sunrise as horizon, but. that could just be a cultural/country thing.
I was thinking that too. If it's not referring to the game then would something be blocking their view of the horizon? But if they're sailing, then what would be blocking it?
Yeah, their view would have to be obstructed by something... Like reinforcements are coming but they're stuck in a storm, and they'll only arrive if they weather the storm? I still feel like it would make more sense if it were referring to the game though
Yeah, their view would have to be obstructed by something... Like reinforcements are coming but they're stuck in a storm, and they'll only arrive if they weather the storm? I still feel like it would make more sense if it were referring to the game though
yeah, exactly, that's why i feel like it's referring to the game as opposed to a physical horizon. unless a storm is a metaphor for a delay? like... could it be referring to how NH was delayed for a year or whatever it was?
Found eggs 9 and 11 finally. Had to take a break due to burnout but I found both of them in an hour after coming back. Reminder for everyone to take breaks.

Egg 7 is still rebelling against me though so I might do some digging on the community one as a break from that one.
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