TBT's Tenth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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please keep the open collaboration feature going forward!!
i feel i've made some new friends sharing and asking for hints. it made this feel like a holiday event, and not a cutthroat competition.
I second this, I usually get super stressed out during the egg hunt but this one has been an absolute blast!! I've never been able to say this about any egg hunt but I'm kinda sad it's over 😭
from looking at this thread & my own conversations with people, people did check the introduction board, and people did change their timezone.....they just didn't check the introduction board while changing their timezone to 4:30-5:00am 😅
Now I wonder who would've found it first if they knew to look in there.
Well, I can tell you right now that I definitely won't get the golden egg because I didn't do all of the eggs
(Hopefully it's not viewed as a sin here to only do enough clues to get the egg you want then stop)
Is there a way I could get a direct link? The timezone thing isn't working on mobile for me for some reason.
Found, thanks all!!
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Need two more eggs to reach my goal, somehow haven’t gotten 9 or 19. Must be overthinking it. Idk
from looking at this thread & my own conversations with people, people did check the introduction board, and people did change their timezone.....they just didn't check the introduction board while changing their timezone to 4:30-5:00am 😅
I spent like two hours messing with the time zones, and while I don't remember if I ended up in the Introduction Board or not, my problem was that I was convinced the horizon meant the banner up top because, "Oh, that represents the ground level; there's the grass and the tree and the sun rising, so that's the horizon, and there's nothing below that, because that would be below the horizon, so I don't need to waste time scrolling down the page." I spent more time than I ever wanted staring at those yellow abominations amidst a peaceful sunrise. Good to know the Egg was in the exact opposite location. 🙃

I also accidentally found two solo Eggs without meaning to while looking for Egg 6, and that's twice in my life I speedran the full spectrum of emotions thanks to eggs.
Congrats @skweegee for finding egg#6! 🎉 and also really impressed to all those figuring out the other clues. Some of them are so difficult!
I'm really bad at these and was only able to find out a few clues/puzzles myself. Had a friend who nicely helped me find the answers to other ones. If anyone is still looking for help getting eggs PM me (edit @BluebearL you can PM me if you like for 9 and 19)
Here's hoping there will be more restocks of the spring egg for all the people that have missed it! 🙏
Congrats @skweegee for finding egg#6! 🎉 and also really impressed to all those figuring out the other clues. Some of them are so difficult!
I'm really bad at these and was only able to find out a few clues/puzzles myself. Had a friend who nicely helped me find the answers to other ones. If anyone is still looking for help getting eggs PM me (edit @BluebearL you can PM me if you like for 9 and 19)
Here's hoping there will be more restocks of the spring egg for all the people that have missed it! 🙏
Yeah these were tough. I was able to only find three myself. The community ones were the rest thanks to this forum.
My turn to give out a positive review on the changes.

Honestly, before we could work together, I have had fun finding eggs all by myself. While there were a few hiccups on eggs I just couldn't find myself, I still had fun regardless.

Now, since we're allowed to share answers, I never thought it'd be fun that way either. At first, I didn't wanna work with anyone because I thought I'd be able to find them all myself. (Some of them I did) But after I realized a whole lot were hard to find I knew I had to cry for help, and boy am I glad I went this route. I probably would have ended up with only at least 10 eggs if I worked alone.
Who knows, they may reconsider this change again for next year's since it succeeded well.
Does anyone know how long we have after the event ends to spend our eggs?
Was a bit busy this year but I got enough eggs to get the 2 colleggtibles I wanted :)

Good hunt this year. GG's everyone
no idea yet, but probably at least a couple days, out of respect for those in differing time zones
thanks. i want to see how many eggs i have after the last puzzles are closed and idk if they do restocks once the event is over
The good news is a kind soul helped me finish the solo clues 🥺 ❤️
The bad news is I'm only one egg away from being able to buy what I want, but all that's left is Puzzle clues 😭

ahhhghghghh only having one shot at the Puzzles is stressing me out 😫 I'm too scared to take a wild guess but time is running out TT^TT
Does anyone know how long we have after the event ends to spend our eggs?

no idea yet, but probably at least a couple days, out of respect for those in differing time zones
Can staff confirm how long the eggs will be available for purchase? I would like to buy my eggs on Earth Day (Friday, April 22nd).

I think we could leave them available for that long.
Several days, it looks like, probably.
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