TBT's Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

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I just want one more to get the easter egg. But if I manage two more I might be tempted by the classic instead..

Need new cluesssssss. But I'm already getting sleepy.
welp goin back to werk. wont be on for the next few hours so i wont be here for the update. best of wishes 2 erryone once again :D
I still wanna shoot for a yoshi first before the classic but it's there and i have enough eggs and it's oh so tempting :^(
and i'm still stuck on one of the first batch's clues
waitin for the hint
What killed me during last year's hunt was that there were some pages where i was there! I just didn't see the "egg". Stupid. I'm sure it will happen to me again when the answers are revealed.
Wow! Some of these are intense hard! Like, I checked one spot a bajillion times thinking nothing was there! I'm so impressed with how clever the clues are. I don't think I'm going to figure out anymore though, but this has been so fun! It's nice that the forum can put on events like this!
Nice? Pffft. They're evil. EVIL I TELL YOU.

*Sobs in a corner*
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maybe 10 is my kush because my kush silent but it loud as hell fam
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