:D ♡
How long is this going until? I really want a Yoshi egg
maybe 10 is my kush because my kush silent but it loud as hell fam
Hey giving away the answer is against the rules
Question for the staff: Would you consider te last Bach of eggs to be increggdibly hard, or did you just post them randomly and we've already seen the hardest? I'm kinda hoping it's not too easy or just a freebie and instead harder than #10 so there's still a chance to catch up and win. :S
Question for the staff: Would you consider te last Bach of eggs to be increggdibly hard, or did you just post them randomly and we've already seen the hardest? I'm kinda hoping it's not too easy or just a freebie and instead harder than #10 so there's still a chance to catch up and win. :S
Sooooo... is 3 supposed to be easy orrrrr...?
Question for the staff: Would you consider te last Bach of eggs to be increggdibly hard, or did you just post them randomly and we've already seen the hardest? I'm kinda hoping it's not too easy or just a freebie and instead harder than #10 so there's still a chance to catch up and win. :S
Question for the staff: Would you consider te last Bach of eggs to be increggdibly hard, or did you just post them randomly and we've already seen the hardest? I'm kinda hoping it's not too easy or just a freebie and instead harder than #10 so there's still a chance to catch up and win. :S
Was feeling super anxious earlier, so I had a shower and went on a super long walk and feel way better. Didn't have any epiphanies about the ones I'm missing, but hyped for the last four clues to drop.Please don't be puzzle ones, please don't be puzzle ones...
All I'll say is that there was a lot of consideration put into the order these clues would be up in.
Puzzles are easy imo