TBT's Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

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Martial law has ended.

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Thanks, now the non-egg hunting participants won't get annoyed anymore! :D
Martial law has ended.

Order restored.

Search restored.

Who's Online restored.

Banner nightmares removed.


Thank you Justin! (Great job on the event by the way, but I'm glad to have some order back).
These aren't riddles. The majority of this is trivia. How was anyone, besides Oath, suppose to figure out 19?

And I was so right about 14 but I didn't have a town at the time so I couldn't visit her dream. 20 & 22 don't make sense still.

I thought 18 was gonna be in the ac gamecube boards because eggcubed sounded like gamecube. lol

And I knew 3 was about smash bros but I didn't know where the thread was.

And yeah the rest weren't even riddles.
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Hmmm. I did more than half of those and they didn't work for me.
my fault for having like 1,000,000 plugins telling my computer to stop doing whatever it's thinking of doing.

Well, it was still a ton of fun! Thank you guys!
egg #10
I'm bored when's the next event so I can see ppl complain more
I am very happy that I did not continue looking for more eggs. I would have died.

Number 10 though. ayy lmao

Edit: I knew I had an idea with #14... but #2lazy2openACNL
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I'm still a little sad I didn't get enough time to get that "Wahh!" :(
I've just got home and read the answers... and all I have to say is ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH I WAS SO CLOSE WITH SOME OF THEM! :'(

Specifically 4, 6, 13, 14 and 23! I'd looked in the right places for 4, 6 and 13 but somehow missed them, 14 I thought about but then thought nah it wouldn't be that!! And 23 I was totally on the right track (pun intended) but just couldn't get the right answer.
Ha! Oath, I was prob one of the VERY few who thought when you "deleted" the egg, it was funny. (And i personally, thought the mods would get a kick out of it rather than be pissed.) congrats on finding them all!!! I did way better this year than last year at least. Last year I think I only got 7 or 8. :)
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