It looks soo great in your lineup! I love the cool featherWasn’t expecting to get my first pick of the lot, thank you very much staff! Congrats to everyone for completing a story, good or bad, and being brave enough to share it. Looking forward to seeing the finalists!
Your lineups are always amazingggg! congrats on the beautiful aurora eggie!
thanks for the event staff, ya'll chill and amaze af ;~;
also impressive reading all them short stories
Everyone got nice collectibles and I'm here like "yeah my prize was cute anyway I give it away in less than 5 minutes of owning mine."
Ah so I'm not the only one ! Yeah I liked my prize but I knew I would never use it so I rather send to someone who'll use it and love it more.It's cool, I too sent off my flower to a new home. It's still great to see these collectibles getting the love they deserve.