Tea, Coffee, or Hot Chocolate?

Which one do you prefer?

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You'd thing being an Italian and always having so many Italian imported coffee beans in the house I'd like coffee but nope not a fan

I'm pretty sure the most amount of cups of tea I have had in 1 day was 4 I love tea especially at night cuddled in bed after a long day.
I like all three. I drink coffee and hot chocolate more than tea. If I were to rank them, it would be coffee, hot chocolate, then tea. The only tea I like is any tea you can drink with milk or iced tea/bubble tea. Any coffee is fine with me, apart from black coffee. Iced coffees and iced chocolates are 👌🏻 tho
I just finished a cup of hot chocolate and now I feel sick haha. I prefer it over coffee. Coffee tastes bleh. Tea is okay. Hot tea helps me fall asleep. Hot chocolate is really comforting though. Overall I'm not a huge chocolate fan, but it's an exception.
Hot chocolate all the way, but i've only recently become a tea and coffee person.
I love them all but will choose the one with less caffeine. Hot chocolate. Especially mint hot chocolate that the company doesn't want to sell alone yet, so I always end up with plenty of other flavors I don't care about. However it's too much sugar for me so I don't drink hot chocolate that often. I really love coffee and tea as well but the caffeine makes me sick, even some decaf versions. My stomach prefers chamomile tea.
Definitely tea. I drink it almost every day and there's so many different kinds that I never get bored of it.

I tried coffee once and did not like it. Maybe I'd start liking it if I got used to it, but I really don't need more caffeine. I've tried to like hot chocolate, but for some reason I just don't. Not sure why, since I normally really like chocolate.
I'm going to say coffee. I like two shots of espresso with a bit of steamed milk and some sugar! Plus, I'm addicted to the caffeine.

Hot chocolate would be my next pick.
I don't drink tea or coffee, so I'd have to go with hot chocolate by default, lol. I don't mind hot chocolate so it works out anyways.
Neither, I don't really enjoy either. But if I have to, I'd pick Hot Chocolate. Bitter things don't really set the mood for me, plus coffee gets you the #2 bathroom breaks often, so there's another reason why.

For Tea, it's the same reason with coffee.

As for Hot Chocolate, it doesn't set the enjoyment that it should give me. I'd rather pick other chocolate things. And if I actually want to drink something, it'd be either water or coke.
How can I pick between tea and coffee?! So difficult. I’ve worked part time as a barista for a while whilst I’ve been at uni and adore a well made coffee with high quality beans. But then tea has a really soothing/calming effect. I drink mine black and loose leaf. I like jasmine, English breakfast, Darjeeling, and a bunch of other leaves. Honestly can’t pick.

I’m not really a fan of hot chocolate though, far too sweet.
love all three, though i prefer having hot chocolate around winter... though sometimes i have hot cocoa at summer. i'm an adult and i can do what i want, darnit.

anyways, i have to go with coffee. i drink it almost every day, but caffeine really doesn't affect me and i generally have it for both taste and because my mother makes a pot for my father anyways. sometimes i have tea if i want a change-up. english breakfast is the best kind of tea you can have, in my humble opinion!
Coffee. I can't really drink tea and I'm not super into ice tea either.

I'd say hot chocolate would be good but you always get those "paper membranes" on top if you forget to stir it, so ew.
I like all three. I drink coffee and hot chocolate more than tea. If I were to rank them, it would be coffee, hot chocolate, then tea. The only tea I like is any tea you can drink with milk or iced tea/bubble tea. Any coffee is fine with me, apart from black coffee. Iced coffees and iced chocolates are 👌🏻 tho
Yep I like all 3 as well. I love black coffee tho
All three are good by me, but my favorite is hot chocolate. I've got a bit of a sweet tooth, and it's definitely a real treat to warm up with mug of hot chocolate during the cold Winter months, so yeah.

I'd put tea in second place. There are so many different varieties, it's fun to explore them all, and it's just downright pleasant to have some tea. I don't add any milk or sugar or anything, so it's the healthiest of the three options for me too. Tea is also more of a year round drink for me. Honestly, it probably ought to be first place for these reasons, but hey, my taste buds insist on this ranking and I don't want to argue with them.

Coffee, thus, is in third place. Coffee might have a bit more appeal to my taste buds than tea because of the aforementioned sweet tooth, but I'm not fond of bitterness and am too intimidated to try black coffee, so the kinds I've tried have involved adding milk or creamer and/or sugar. I typically only really drink it when with friends or in the Autumn months (pumpkin spice lattes in the Fall, of course), so I don't indulge that often.
Hot chocolate is definitely my favorite of the three. I'd say coffee and tea are about even, but I'm not particularly fond of either. Maybe I'd rank tea a bit higher? Depends on the type I guess.
I need my morning cappuccino, but nothing goes over a good cup of hot chocolate. Sadly it has a lot more calories than coffee or tea, so I drink it a lot less. 🥲