Tea, Coffee, or Hot Chocolate?

Which one do you prefer?

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Coffee & hot chocolate are instantly off the list for me cause
1 I don't like the taste of coffee
2 I don't like hot drinks at all. I *want* to like hot chocolate but I hate that it's so hot. Coffee is also served hot. Yes it can be served cold but I only like it if it has cinnamon & vanilla extract in it. I'm a bit weird like that but it taste SO GOOD.

Tea can be served hot, but can also be served cold, which is how I drink it.

There's actually a word in another language that kinda applies to me; neko-jita, 'having a cat tongue'. Cats don't like hot food or drink. I love hot food, but not hot drink.
Coffee is my fav drink of all time. I prefer my coffee very, very strong too.

Hot chocolate tends to be too sweet for me and also has the downside of containing no caffeine. I will occasionally have a mocha coffee if I want a warm chocolate drink lol.

Tea is something I've only recently started drinking (I'm British so kinda weird I don't like it that much), I only drink tea if I want a warm drink but can't have a lot of caffeine. I will have a cup of it maybe once a week or even less.
I feel like I've mentioned my perfered hot beverage before, but either way.
Love tea, not the adventerous tea, normal everyday tea with some sugar is fine. I would like to try different tea, i've tried green tea, thought maybe a lil too strong for me.

I've recently started enjoying hot chocolate, I don't drink it as often, but it is still nice; I make it at work sometimes.

I also make coffee at my job for customers, and thats the closest Ive been with coffee, really hate it. :/ Don't like the taste.

Lemmie add another option, um to those who've drank or like drinking Mocha's (it's coffee and hot chocolate mixed together), please explain such purpose of this beverage.
Cause I thought people enjoy the caffine in coffee to stay awake, yet hot chcocolate is nice, warm makes you feel sleepy. But then you mix them together, do you disappear into limbo?
Honestly just curious.
I feel like I've mentioned my perfered hot beverage before, but either way.
Love tea, not the adventerous tea, normal everyday tea with some sugar is fine. I would like to try different tea, i've tried green tea, thought maybe a lil too strong for me.

I've recently started enjoying hot chocolate, I don't drink it as often, but it is still nice; I make it at work sometimes.

I also make coffee at my job for customers, and thats the closest Ive been with coffee, really hate it. :/ Don't like the taste.

Lemmie add another option, um to those who've drank or like drinking Mocha's (it's coffee and hot chocolate mixed together), please explain such purpose of this beverage.
Cause I thought people enjoy the caffine in coffee to stay awake, yet hot chcocolate is nice, warm makes you feel sleepy. But then you mix them together, do you disappear into limbo?
Honestly just curious.
Well, describing it as both mixed together is a bit of a simplification. The amount and consistency of chocolate in a mocha is a tad bit different typically speaking, so it's not the same as just pouring hot chocolate into a cup of coffee and stirring. Plus the amount of sugar and caffeine combined outweigh whatever sleepiness hot chocolate could bring on. Generally speaking, the appeal lies in the blend of something sweet and something mildly bitter.

But yes, you do disappear into limbo. But that's a result of the ever-shifting power balance of universal matter constantly at war and the powers that be ultimately proving helpless to stop it. The mocha is just a red herring for the greater conspiracy.
Well, describing it as both mixed together is a bit of a simplification. The amount and consistency of chocolate in a mocha is a tad bit different typically speaking, so it's not the same as just pouring hot chocolate into a cup of coffee and stirring. Plus the amount of sugar and caffeine combined outweigh whatever sleepiness hot chocolate could bring on. Generally speaking, the appeal lies in the blend of something sweet and something mildly bitter.

But yes, you do disappear into limbo. But that's a result of the ever-shifting power balance of universal matter constantly at war and the powers that be ultimately proving helpless to stop it. The mocha is just a red herring for the greater conspiracy.
Ah, I understand now, thank you. I have yet to make one, but my other co-workers have made it, so I definintely ask them more about it.
Best beverage for that specific situation XD
i used to drink coffee but i don’t anymore. i don’t drink tea regularly, i mean i don’t hate tea, it’s just okay. i love hot chocolate though, i found peppermint hot chocolate at target several months ago and it’s amazing.

tea is my favorite of the three! there are so many lovely kinds. anything with bergamot or lavender just make me so content. I drink it everyday.

I really enjoy coffee but somedays it doesn't sit well with my stomach so I skip it. a nice latte or a cappuccino is always a really comfy addition to my evening (decaf usually unless it's the weekend and I can stay up heh).

hot chocolate is a nice treat, but it can be too sweet for me sometimes so I water mine down with extra milk. using frothy milk for one just makes it even better, too. I have to say I tend to prefer a vanilla chai just because they're usually a little less sweet.
I’ve tried to quit coffee so many times, but I just can’t. We all have our vices and mine is coffee. I get an iced coffee every morning and it just always puts me in a good mood.

I do love teas as well. I love boba teas and ice teas. In the cold months sometimes I enjoy a warm tea.

Hot chocolate is not my vibe at all. It’s way too sweet.
Somewhat related topic, how many people here have tried Coca-Cola with Coffee? It tastes of exactly what it says on the tin, but shockingly, it's quite good. I think it's worth a try at least once, just to say that you have.
Tea.... English breakfast.... I keep saying I will try other types but then I don't haha maybe I should make a 2023 new year need to try list and add different types of tea.
I like all three of these drinks, but if I had to choose…tea! My favorites are green, chai, and black, but I’ve also tried (and enjoyed) white tea. I always wanted to get more adventurous with the flavors….