Tea, Coffee, or Hot Chocolate?

Which one do you prefer?

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'This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice!'
'Uncle that's what all tea is!'

I don't really care for tea. Sweet tea is alright, but I don't drink it anymore and if I do it's on a rare occasion. I also don't drink coffee. Never have and probably never will. I do enjoy hot chocolate now and then. Mostly when I'm working outside in the snow/zero and below weather and freezing my butt off.

It probably all depends on how the tea is made, but the stuff I've had never tasted great. It just tasted like nasty dirt water.
hot chocolate for sure! whether it’s warm or frozen, it’s absolutely delicious and is something i especially enjoy indulging in during the winter months. ☺️

i don’t mind coffee or tea, but i don’t drink either of them often and i definitely prefer hot chocolate over them.
I noticed in the "Similar threads" list at the bottom that there are quite a few threads that are more or less the same as this. One that caught my eye was this one, where the OP asks how specifically you prepare your beverage of choice, so I thought I'd contribute to that.

For tea, it depends largely on the tea in question and what my mood is. Like I said, I'm a bit of an avid tea drinker, so I tend to have a few different flavors in the cupboards at any given time. Typically, a couple lumps of sugar and a tiny bit of milk works for just about any flavor. On sick days, green tea of any variety with a blend of lemon and honey really does wonders, especially for a sore throat. It also depends on what the tea is being served with. Typically, I only drink water with meals, but if I'm dining out, I might have tea, but use less sugar and no milk. For snacks, desserts, or any other such occasion, well, it's not as though I'm eating it for my health anyway, so no limits. Extra sugar if I'm feeling it.

For coffee, I prefer lighter roasts. I do enjoy the smell and the texture of dark roasts, but the bitter flavor--even when drowned in sugar and creamer--is simply impossible to bypass. Other than that, I'm not terribly particular about it. Most coffee tastes more or less identical to me, unless they are specifically flavored variants, so cheap McDonald's coffee will suit me about as well as the expensive Starbucks variety. Really, I find that it's the calming atmosphere and general aesthetic of most coffee shops that make them more compelling than the actual beverages they serve.

And for hot cocoa, well, I stated my preferences in my original post, but since my tastes for this one can be rather expensive, I don't partake very often. But I will find some chocolate made for melting and... well, melt it, add some milk to thin it out. This doesn't always work out, but I also like to melt in some peppermint candies, especially if it's nearing Christmastime. If I'm feeling extra decadent, I might serve it with whipped cream and marshmallows. Large marshmallows that come in a proper bag, not the dehydrated ones. I simply love when those begin to melt and--rather than fizzling into nothingness like their packaged counterparts--blend into a warm, gooey lump. Like I said, perfection.
Coffee is my beverage of choice. Love it. I've been drinking it since I was a teenager. Now I'm old and can't drink it every day because of heartburn, so I drink it only 2-3 times a week. I've learned to appreciate espresso although the occasional cappuccino or ice-blended is fine by me. I also like the local coffee, which is called kopi, made from robusta beans roasted with butter and sugar. Robusta beans produce more bitter coffee whereas arabica beans produce more acidic coffee. I can handle bitter better than acidic. Apparently, robusta also has twice the caffeine. That's... nice. 😆

Tea is okay. I drink it now and then. I've drunk various types of Chinese and Japanese tea, and some Earl Grey and English Breakfast. I mostly find tea to be weak and astringent and that's why I don't like it as much as I do coffee. Strong ginger tea is great though. I think my tastebuds are numb (and growing ever less sensitive with age) and need stronger tasting beverages to be satisfied. 😑

Hot chocolate is not something I drink because I live on a tropical island. It's always too hot and too humid. I only drink hot chocolate when I travel to a country where it's autumn or winter. The best hot chocolate I've ever tasted was in Queenstown, New Zealand. The shop is Patagonia Chocolates. It was utterly delicious. 😊
Although I like the taste of hot chocolate the most, tea is year round. I can enjoy it hot during cold weather. During hot weather (which is most of the time) I can just add ice to it. Lemonade if the mood kicks in.
I love hot chocolate and can drink it all year. I do not like tea at all. I drink coffee but not very often. When I do drink coffee it’s usually half coffee and half cream.
None of them. I'm not a fan of hot drinks altogether and I find the smell of tea quite repulsive plus I can't drink anything with milk in it as the the thought of it makes my stomach turn. My mum always jokes that the reason I don't like hot drinks or drinks with milk in it is because I drank far too much as a baby.
For 20+ years I always answered this question with tea but as of a few months ago I switched to coffee as my go to drink. I consume an obscene amount of caffeine to the point of it being a running joke amongst my colleagues.
Hot chocolate for sure!

I love the smell of coffee. I don't like the taste of hot coffee though, but I do like the taste of sweet, iced coffee! Anywhere you can order iced coffee, you can order iced chocolate, and I'd much rather that, so I don't really drink any coffee!

I'm a little picky about tea. I only like weak, loose leaf tea in hot water (no sugar or milk). Something like jasmine, chrysanthemum or oolong. Iced tea might be the most awful drink I've tasted!

Hot chocolate is amazing, and by far my favourite though! 🌟
Tea > Hot chocolate > Coffe - in that order

I can drink tea 24/7, I love it. Hot chocolate isn't something I crave very often. Coffee is hit and miss for me. I'm a baby, I can only have it with obscene amounts of milk and sugar. Most of the time coffee makes me feel nauseous as well. When I try stronger coffee, it doesn't have that "awakening" effect on me everyone is buzzing about. I just feel sightly sick with coffee breath - so I'd rather just stick to herb tea.
i like hot chocolate. i can’t stand to drink coffee anymore because i had an incident with panera coffee one time and had one of the worst stomachaches of my life. i had like 2 cups but i don’t know why i kept drinking it, it wasn’t even that good. i also like tea but i don’t drink it a lot.
If I had to choose between Tea and Coffee, I would go for Tea first.

Specifically Twinnings from London Lady or Earl Grey Tea with a little bit of honey and a splash of milk.

If that isn’t available then I will take some French Vanilla flavored Coffee, black no sugar.
I don’t like any of them. If I had to choose, I would say hot chocolate but I still don’t like it. I dislike hot beverages and I don’t like any tea or coffee.
It's tea for me! ^^ It's... basically all I drink, ahahaha. I drink mainly green or herbal tea, and occasionally black or fruit tea. I don't ever put milk or sugar in my tea, though, so I've currently got no opinion there.
Hot chocolate is next, but I only have a cup on occasion. It's good and I like it, but I can only deal with sweet things in small amounts, so it's not a regular drink for me.
I'm not a big fan of coffee, but there are rare times when I'll get a craving for it and have a cup with some milk mixed in. I can't drink black coffee; it's way too bitter for me. ;u; Most of the time, I avoid it, though—it makes me feel all jittery.
while i do love a good hot choccy, tea is my go-to. i particularly like green or white teas. my favorite white teas are numi's white rose, and taste of tea's white strawberry.

i miss teavana shops. rip in piece
It was hard to pick between tea and hot chocolate so I picked hot chocolate! I don’t drink coffee except for the ocassional Starbucks Frappuccino but is that even coffee or a glorified milkshake? Lol
I personally prefer tea over coffee as I seem to be allergic to coffee and might I also might be sensitive to it's properties as I will usually bounce off the walls with just a bit of caffeine and then come down with a sluggish tire afterwards aha. Hot chocolate is always a favorite but I will drink it when I am feeling like having something sweet. I would definitely say that during the cold season, nothing beats hot chocolate.
I cast my vote for the one that I drink the most - coffee. I do love tea, green tea, specifically. I drink tea more often in the afternoon if Nicholas is napping and I have time to sit with a pot and enjoy it. For iced tea, I like sweet, and I mean southern sweet. I haven't had hot chocolate in a long time, but I enjoy it made with milk or Bailey's and whipped cream. 😊