Team Cheer Creations - Thanks for participating!

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I made a celebratory flower arrangement for our team picking a color!

L e t 's g o
Each person counts
Though others may think otherwise
Shun the thought
Give yourself some slack
Onto my watery Team One chant-

Try your best

Even if we don't win
All will be fine in the end

Most likely not, an absurd thought

Our opponents will have a hard time with our skills

Not if we don't rest though!
Educe your spirit for these two weeks, tbtwc gamers
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Two cheers for Team Two!
We approach from the side,
Invading the space
Where the winners reside.

With Birdo at helm,
We sailed through low tides
Onto moneybag shores,
With four stars and our pride.

As the championship marches,
Our time we will bide.
We'll vote out imposters.
On islands we'll hide.

For games of deception,
Who knows if we lied?
If truth is required,
We'll be bona fide.

The point is: we're winners!
We're known far and wide!
I'm on Team Two's voyage,
Enjoying the ride.
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