Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Another question for the project I have in mind! <3

Who here loves anime? <: If so, what is your favorite anime/characters? <3 (If you don't watch anime, then no worries! It's just more options I have to work with for the project! c: ) Thanks! :D

Soul Eater Evans (Soul Eater), L (Death Note), and Kirito (SAO)! Hope this helps!
Yo jacob is this raffle thing for anyone? or for team popsicle members only? If its for anyone then sign me up, pal!

It is for anyone, as long as you truly want a popsicle
selling the winnings right away is against our rules,

With that being said, I will add you to the list!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Soul Eater? YES!!!! It's like the best anime ever!

(my favorite ever!)
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It is for anyone, as long as you truly want a popsicle
selling the winnings is against our rules,

With that being said, I will add you to the list!

- - - Post Merge - - -

(my favorite ever!)

I truly want a popsicle! It was hard enough to get one before team popsicle existed, and now is even harder now its in high demand! They are pretty much worth more than peaches now lol!
LOOL YESSS AHAHAH And the beginning when they thought Haru was a he ahahah OHHH You should watch No Game No Life , Overlord, or Your Lie in April!!! <: Great animes!!![/CENTER]

Yess! Also, I updated my first post with the list, if that makes a difference lol! But I heard many good things about Your Lie In April! I am gonna watch it soon hopefully!
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It is for anyone, as long as you truly want a popsicle
selling the winnings right away is against our rules,

With that being said, I will add you to the list!

- - - Post Merge - - -

(my favorite ever!)

First, anyone that says Soul Eater is bad, I will eat their souls (cuz I'm a Death Scythe), and second, do you know when the next raffle is?
Madoka magica= Mami
Sword Art Online= Asuna
Sailor Moon= Venus
My little monster= Mitzi(i think her name was)
sadly the only animes ive seen
i'd like to be added to the raffle list (ノ?ヮ?)ノ*:・゚✧
Hey everyone of Team Popsicle! I may not be a member yet, but I told everyone who comes to my trading post to donate to me, AND Team Popsicle. I told them you are accepting Popsicle Collectibles and TBT to buy those collectibles!
Can you please add me to the people looking for Popsicle list? QQ Going to fill my last line with Popsicles and ice cream swirls!
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