Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Jacob will be sending you the popsicle soon! c: Congrats once again!! Stay tuned for the next giveaway that will take place later this week! :D way....

-high fives- That's the spirit! :D I'm wishing you the best with your FR shop! :)


DO you think I should just auction high tier villagers I get instead of having a shop? Because this is getting very tedious running a shop :p

DO you think I should just auction high tier villagers I get instead of having a shop? Because this is getting very tedious running a shop :p

Hmm I've never opened a cycling shop, but auctioning might be a faster way to sell them c: It's really up to you tbh! Hahaha XD Whatever you think will work best for you! :)
oo sounds interesting!what are the requests?

A bunch of breeding cards ahahha! Here's what they looks like, one I most recently made XD (These aren't the ones for the requester though! I want him to be the first to see his ;D )


A bunch of breeding cards ahahha! Here's what they looks like, one I most recently made XD (These aren't the ones for the requester though! I want him to be the first to see his ;D )



:eek:ooo these look AMzING !!! what program do you use to make these??
Ahh i figured lol, i'm hopeless at GFX but we do a bit of photoshop in school.
Maybe i should get into gfx making, the outcomes look really rewarding
You should!! Hahaha XD And just like art, it takes a lot of practice! c:

Omg if you compare what I did back in 2008 and now, it's amazing ahahaha xD I honestly can't believe I made that ahahah! XD What was I thinking back then omg

You should!! Hahaha XD And just like art, it takes a lot of practice! c:

Omg if you compare what I did back in 2008 and now, it's amazing ahahaha xD I honestly can't believe I made that ahahah! XD What was I thinking back then omg


OMG LOl you've improved so much!!
That black butler edit is still probibly my level of gfx making :p maybe next holidays when no hw, ill get into it
OMG LOl you've improved so much!!
That black butler edit is still probibly my level of gfx making :p maybe next holidays when no hw, ill get into it

HAHAHA I'm glad I have!! If I didn't improve from all those years I'll cry :'D LOL!!
And pshhhhh I doubt that!! Also woo!! I'm looking forward to seeing you start on GFX making again! :D

Also I'm going to head to bed now!! Night!! c:
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