Oof, I don’t think I’m very good at expressing emotions, so I voted ‘No’. Someone else mentioned they don’t say I Love You to their parents either, and I fall in that category, it was just something that was never said in our household. I’ve said it to a few boyfriends, but I think I read once that sometimes when you’re saying it in that context, you really mean ‘You make me really happy’. There are so many different kinds of love.
I looove mushrooms for example, and I would tell them that all day every day, and I would tell anyone I know that all the time. They are my all time favorite food and I like them in pretty much any form and context (except the poisonous ones!) That feels very safe.
My friend’s pets, I think they know that I love them, and my friends have probably heard me say that.
I do think I try and tell my friends when I appreciate what they do for me, or I tell them that I care for them, or that I’ll be there if they need me (and often I try to demonstrate that more with actions instead of saying anything specific out loud). I think that’s what the sentiment of this thread is asking, but I don’t think of that in the same way as the phrase “I love you”, which for me now is mostly associated with a romantic partner.
But lately with my current boyfriend, I’m learning it means a completely different thing for him in terms of romantic partners, more about being there for a person or caring for another person, and not about if you appreciate them. So I don’t use it as much because I think I’m using other words to express my appreciation of him.
Occasionally with friends I’ve used kind of a light form of ‘I love you’, like if I were to say, ‘hey, I love you man’ (I’m not a guy, but I imagine a guy saying this to another guy in a sort of off the cuff casual way), or sometimes to a girlfriend who is particularly effusive, maybe we’d say ‘hey girl, love ya!’ the same way I might say ‘oh, I love your dress!’.
I remember once a younger friend/acquaintance said “I miss you” and I had never said that to a friend in a platonic way before and I felt weird for a bit because I didn’t think we knew each other that well, until I realized I could definitely feel that for a non romantic partner definitely, so I started to warm up to that phrasing as well, but again, with the right people and in the right context.