Telling your friends you love them?

Do you tell your friends you love them?

  • Yeah, it’s perfectly normal. I make sure they’re comfortable with it, though.

    Votes: 81 82.7%
  • No, that’s weird.

    Votes: 17 17.3%

  • Total voters
One of my long time friends said "love you" to me as she left my house the other day and it caught me off guard but made me smile.
I think it's good to say what you mean and there are types of love other than romantic.
the amount i say it to my friends depends on how i know they'll respond to it (ie some friends i just don't have the kind of relationship where we outright say it, it's just implied, whereas others we're 10x more affectionate lol) but i am very much in favour of telling my friends i love them. i never really used to since that's just kind of not the way i grew up, but since meeting my friends i've done it a lot more, to the point where now i will easily tell friends 'i love you' even if we've only hung out a few times so far
I'm an affectionate person and my best friend and I regularly say a platonic "love you" when saying goodbye and whatnot. I've said it to other close friends as well, and vice versa. Because I genuinely do, we've known each other for many years and are close after all that time. It has to be earned, and it's understood by all parties that it's platonic.
Depends on the friend and whether or not I know they're comfortable with it, but yeah, I have no problem telling my friends I love them.
I’ve never told a friend I love them platonically, even if I meant it. Aside from my adoptive mom, I grew up in a family that wasn’t very affectionate. To this day I’ve never heard my grandparents say “I love you.” I know they do, but it’s one of the last things they’d ever say. Due to this upbringing I don’t think I’d feel comfortable if I let that slip to a friend.
I only tell "I love you" to my friends if they say "I love you" first.
Yes, often. My core group of best friends in my early 20s got me doing that. When we would get off the phone we would say “love you.” or leaving each other’s apartment/house we would hug and say “love you.” It just became normal for me, my family also is big on “love
you.” when leaving or getting off the phone so i’ve always been around it.

I don’t know, i feel like life is way to crazy to not say it to those you love and care for. We don’t know what is going to happen next, so i would rather always have the people i love know that they are loved.
i voted for “no that’s weird.” i don’t have any friends who i’d say i love you to, i say i love you to my family members but i don’t have any friends who i would consider like family. i would certainly be surprised if one of my friends said that they love me, it’s not that i don’t feel loved enough but that’s something i would never say to anyone who is not a family member. that’s just me personally, but there’s no problem with telling your friends that you love them.
I used to love expressing platonic love but right now I don’t have friends I feel THAT close with. Not sure how I would feel about it now, but I think it’s sweet if you know it’s from a genuine place, at least.
My best friend and I always say we love each other when we get off the phone or when we’re parting ways after hanging out. I don’t really say it to anyone else though besides my husband and my son
I told my friend I loved them in high school. They took it the other way O-o

But I think its fine, I tell alot of people clost to me I love them. I just hope they take it the right way. Most of the time they thankfully do.
I feel like if I said it, then it would be weird. So I just don't. I'm not against close friends saying it but I'm against me saying it.
I used to say it to a friend and she said it back to me. We knew it was nothing more than friendly affection and felt life was too short not to say it, especially after her dad died. I personally don't find it weird at all to say it to a very close friend.
My friends of 10+ years whom I'm still close to, we occasionally tell each other that and how much we appreciate each other. I don't think I've said it in person though.
Lifes to short not to tell someone ya love them if ya love them. Platonic or not.

Would rather if something bad happens my friends know I appreciate them and they're great than never having let them know. Sure some stuff can be awkward to say but I cant see why saying you appreciate someone would be. Thats not to say I don't understand why you wouldn't. Show affection how you feel comfortable with I say
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I struggle with any social interaction and social cues so my way of showing love is weird. I looked it up and the term is playful aggression, I tend to do soft punches on my friend's shoulder and she just lets me, she got used to it and doesn't mind. I tend to tell my friends I will throw them (to a very far location) lovingly, Love language is hard. Telling people you'll throw them is easy.
I’ve always struggled with social interactions, and making friends is really hard for me. So if I care about someone (mainly irl because I’m still learning how to make friends online) I will go out of my way to make sure they know that. How isn’t always consistent; maybe I’ll flat out tell them I love them (platonically), or write something about my appreciation for them, or surprise them with art and some candy they like. I don’t think there’s anything wrong or weird about that, or telling people you love them in general. If you love them, you love them, doesn’t have to be romantic or familial.
i don’t have much friends but i have this one friend i made in group therapy and she tells me she loves me all the time. we don’t see each other often anymore, we text time to time, call me ungrateful but i feel kind of strange telling people outside of my immediate family i love them.

*oops, i realized that i may have replied to this thread more than once
I struggle with any social interaction and social cues so my way of showing love is weird. I looked it up and the term is playful aggression, I tend to do soft punches on my friend's shoulder and she just lets me, she got used to it and doesn't mind. I tend to tell my friends I will throw them (to a very far location) lovingly, Love language is hard. Telling people you'll throw them is easy.
It's called tsundere.