Termina Cafe

I'll give Tri till the end of .....October...... then you win.
but the laterI get my order the worse grade it is given....
SPORGE27 said:
Well i think I will begin planning for a Halloween party!

Any ideas post here!
I have an idea!

all staff members have to help me clean up!!

also, we should have spiked punch:
well I can't se the pic you have but I don't think we all will be cleaning....sorry.
I see.....
well back to the halloween party.

On Halloween this will hopefully be a cool chat cafe, where you get to find a picture of what you are dressed as, I will judge costumes and the winner will get a prize!

I hope many people attend!

It is time to start the party!

Everyone get on your costumes and join in the fun!

there is.... well anygame you want to play can be here!

*runs to bob for apples*
umm I guess so but I don't have it.....

My costume is in my sig on the far right!
The Black Mage!
Well it is now officially Halloween!

Time to get the creepy stuff satarted including a haunted....cafe I guess....