A bom? Not a bom! Anything but a bom!OddCrazyMe said::evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh:Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:Hi-Yah!OddCrazyMe said:Not any more. :evillaugh:
*Breaks Safe*
Hey, thanks, that's just what I needed for Kung-Fu class. Although, I'd advise to get something stronger than reinforced steel.
That was Sporges so I don't care.
Wait there were radioactive bom..... BOOM
Hello, may I help you?Koehler said:Hey, O.
oops. started posting that then I had to get off. Sorry!Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:Hello, may I help you?Koehler said:Hey, O.
Ok.Koehler said:oops. started posting that then I had to get off. Sorry!Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:Hello, may I help you?Koehler said:Hey, O.
Now, now. We don't want World War 3. ...Yet...
*Shoots OCM with Re-Generation Beam*OddCrazyMe said:Ok.Koehler said:oops. started posting that then I had to get off. Sorry!Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:Hello, may I help you?Koehler said:Hey, O.
Now, now. We don't want World War 3. ...Yet...
Hey just becasue I am a pile of ashes doesn't mean you need to treat my like it. I have fealings to ya know.
No, you want to fight our competition. Not us. Them. *Points To Competiton*only_half_evil333 said:I am the Plastic Spoon Samuri!
if not i will poke you until it's world war 3
You got theOddCrazyMe said:Who Cafe fish?
Kolvo said:You got theOddCrazyMe said:Who Cafe fish?
THEBOBINATOR said:Kolvo said:You got theOddCrazyMe said:Who Cafe fish?