Termina Cafe

you may wish to try sentances :lol:

btu seriously in the future try not to post one word or post multiple times in a row because some people find that rude eivl one.

don't worry about it now just keep this in mind for the future.
I must find someone who can make a banner for this ,but i want them to come into the cafe...
It would appear that Cafe Fish wishes to get to 100 posts...
That means so must we!
so I think we can get up there of course no spaming but if you work here you can still order and stuff like........EXPRESSO NOW! I need caffine...
I'll be a waitor! And I'll have a coke with vinilia and ice.
*le gasp*
A new worker! and I thought TBT's reasorces ran out, well of corse you can work here!
I work for Cafe Fish also is that okay?