Pinky was my favorite in AC Gamecube.When I first started playing New Leaf I didn't know I could adopt villagers from other towns and I thought I'd have to wait forever to get a New Leaf Pinky but I got her.
Not quite from my childhood, I honk I was late teens when I started playing WW and I just remember being absolutely obsessed with Chief. Unfortunately I haven't been so taken with him in new leaf for some reason. I had him for a while for a kind of nostalgia but he just didn't have the same appeal. If I ever decide to go back to playing WW though I will be more than happy to see him there I'm sure.
Mine was Melba and Rosie!!
Rosie was the one I was closest with and then one day I just.. stopped playing. Melba was also in most of my towns in WW and I finally got her as one of my starters in my new town in New Leaf so I'm really happy about that ^^
Blair, Gaston, Gabi, and Bob were all villagers I remember having in my Gamecube game, which was like my second GameCube game overall, but I was very young when I got it so that's why I don't remember my other villagers
In Wild World I had so many villagers because I played all the time, but my absolute favorite, who I'd pick for the purpose of this thread, would definitely have to be Chevre. She was so cute and she'd been in my town since the very beginning, and the day she moved out years later was the day I put down the game for good
Angus (the cranky bull) and Kiki (the normal cat) were two of my first villagers in my Wild World town when I started playing. They stayed for a really long time (over a year, maybe two) and I used to check every day to prevent them from moving out. After awhile of not playing Angus moved out and I was heart broken. I had one of those super-card things and it got a bit... iffy so I stopped playing as much and Kiki moved out. I then got a proper copy of Wild World and was pretty happy when Kiki moved back in!