The ACNH Rant Thread

Tools breaking is still annoying, months later. I have to have multiples of each tool in order to not have to stop what I'm doing over and over. I don't see why that decision was made. I don't think anyone likes having tools break. What was the point? To make the game more monotonous?

In fact, I feel like a lot of thing in this game were made to be monotonous. Able Sisters changeroom, Orville's dialogue, Isabelle's "news" dialogue, the crafting animation (they even knew it was bad as they put in a way to fast forward through it. Just don't even include the animation!), the whole crafting thing in general, etc.
Tools breaking is still annoying, months later. I have to have multiples of each tool in order to not have to stop what I'm doing over and over. I don't see why that decision was made. I don't think anyone likes having tools break. What was the point? To make the game more monotonous?

In fact, I feel like a lot of thing in this game were made to be monotonous. Able Sisters changeroom, Orville's dialogue, Isabelle's "news" dialogue, the crafting animation (they even knew it was bad as they put in a way to fast forward through it. Just don't even include the animation!), the whole crafting thing in general, etc.
I agree so much with this. I think the tool breaking is one of the most annoying things in this game for me. I have so much pocket space dedicated to tools and extras just so I'm not interrupted for too long in the middle of something. And if you're being busy they break so quickly that it just makes me frustrated and I don't want to use them at all. And I've mentioned before the landscaping tools don't break so it's not even consistent! New Leaf's way of doing it was way better in my opinion.
I agree so much with this. I think the tool breaking is one of the most annoying things in this game for me. I have so much pocket space dedicated to tools and extras just so I'm not interrupted for too long in the middle of something. And if you're being busy they break so quickly that it just makes me frustrated and I don't want to use them at all. And I've mentioned before the landscaping tools don't break so it's not even consistent! New Leaf's way of doing it was way better in my opinion.
NH improved outside decorating (the PWP thing was the worst idea ever) and graphics but I can't really think of too much else. NL does lots of stuff better.
While I'm here, am I the only one who hopes that they'll bring back Cyrus to change our furniture? I'm about to do a lottttt of trading with my friend to get a ton of stuff I can't get in my game and I don't find it fun at all, it's a drag. And I dread printing out all the NMTs I owe her. I know a lot of people enjoy trading, but the devs made it so that only the people who like it will be have a good time with collecting furniture. I liked how in past games you could get virtually everything yourself. And honestly a lot of people don't even have someone to trade with or a subscription to trade online so that's just sad. It makes me worry what Nintendo will pull next.
Why can Mabel whisk us out of our landscaping helmet at the changing room but not a wand outfit? I used to have to go outside again and drop the wand on the grass because it was the only way I knew of to get out of the outfit. I still don't know if there's another way because the outfits were such a pain I haven't used them since.

Also why do we have to wait so long just to start landscaping! It should just be press a button, ready. But you have to go through a confirmation and lines of text and a pause. Why! Also while I'm on the topic of waiting I get SO annoyed when I see Gulliver or Gullivarr now because I'm SO over all the A-mashing. Omg it's awful. I spend so much time in this game A-mashing. The NPCs, pinecones, NMTs, crafting, you name it. I fear for the health of my Switch.
The wand outfit thing is so annoying, I agree! You don’t have to drop the wand, you can revert back by pressing x when it gives you the option to change an outfit :)

and gosh I dread the line of text when I start up construction, too!
The wand outfit thing is so annoying, I agree! You don’t have to drop the wand, you can revert back by pressing x when it gives you the option to change an outfit :)

and gosh I dread the line of text when I start up construction, too!
Thanks, I was sure there must be an easier way 😆
It’s frustrating that new villagers can adopt other villagers’ catchphrases SO QUICKLY upon moving in! Like before I can even send her a gift! It feels too quick.
Despite AC being my favourite game, I haven't been able to pick up NH in months because of how utterly slow and time-consuming it is. My favourite part of the game is decorating but it is so tedious and takes up so much time. An area can take several hours to finish and I simply cannot commit myself to do that when I'm so busy with other things

I really wish they'd make terraforming faster. Whether it be shortened animations or a quick terraform mode (like with house customizations) I'd be happy. I think it might bring a lot of people back into the game too! I'm just sick of the monotony

(also villager dialogue is boring)
I dug up the money spot, but my shovel broke so I couldn’t bury bells in it right away. I have wood in my storage but I’m too lazy to walk back to my house so I start chopping instead. But then my axe breaks too. Then I had to gather tree branches to make a new one. After I finally got my tools fixed, I went to plant the money tree. I got out my shovel all ready to plant bells, but then I accidentally pressed “A” instead of “X” and covered up the hole.
I really hate how NMT has become a staple currency now moreso than bells. I have all of my dreamies and only ever use them for the occasional material farming. I only have so many because that's all people want to take payment with these days.

And this is all because some people mass duplicated items in the beginning and crashed the bell market hard :/
I really hate how NMT has become a staple currency now moreso than bells. I have all of my dreamies and only ever use them for the occasional material farming. I only have so many because that's all people want to take payment with these days.

And this is all because some people mass duplicated items in the beginning and crashed the bell market hard :/

NMT's are more valuable simply because they're harder to obtain.

Even w/o the duplication thing, it's very easy to make millions in a short amount of time w/ turnips. 😶

But I feel your pain; before having the convenience of owning amiibos, I would go on Nookazon to get villagers and most people prefer NMT's and I never had many to spare, but always had plenty of bells sitting there in my bank account 😩
I thought NMTs became less desired because of the glitch?
NMTs are definitely a poor currency too. They're hardly worth anything anymore, making people ask for tens or hundreds at a time which would be a pain to get without trading for them (getting them from the nook stop machine is a nightmare on its own, and you still need to gather the miles).

They're definitely not used much here, but to be honest I can't even remember the last time I did a trade for in-game bells. Those are worth even less, most people are drowning in them, and they're annoying to pay with because of all the inventory space they take up. So I can kinda see why people would prefer to drop a few tickets and get it over with.
This isn't so much of a game play complaint so much as a Nintendo complaint:

Apparently, if you buy another copy of ACNH to have another island, they don't tell you that you can't play it as a new island on a Switch that has another island's saved info on it. You need a completely new Switch or Switch Lite to have a new island. This is something they (the store or Nintendo) should absolutely tell you!!! A new game will not work as a new island or it will erase your current island (thankfully this didn't happen to me, as I looked it up first before doing anything). I was planning on getting another Switch anyway for awhile now, but if I hadn't been, I'd be a lot more upset.
I used to not want nmt, but I still accepted them for trades and just kept them in my storage because that's what most people on nookazon used. Now I'm glad I hoarded them because I used 431 on my last villager hunt.