The ACNH Rant Thread

I wish the ceremonies were automatic again, I always forget about them and then they just stack up forever.
Just wanna say that I hate the fact that you have to go in and out of the changing room when you wan to buy clothes from the same category....
It really puts me off buying, also leading buying duplicates because I can't keep track of what I actually bought...
I really miss the Island from NL :( compared to the Nook Miles Islands it was so much better - had minigames to play, way better storage and you didn't have to pay for tools! Plus (and this is just a personal preference) but I much preferred beetle farming.

Honestly the Nook Miles Islands in general are just a bit of a bust for me.
is it just me or, is the storage WAYYYY smaller than new leaf’s? it’s so annoying because i has all this space in NL and in NH it feels like i barely have any...
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honestly, i’m just happy enough brewster and leif are coming soon. i’m really hoping for more shops, things to do, more of the og characters, etc.

It's just you. Storage space is 1600 spots, and things stack, meaning you can store 10s of thousands of items. New Leaf didn't even come close to storing even 500 items.
....I sure hope mangoes, lemons, bananas, persimmons, lychees, and durians return 😥 Can't have a proper tropical island without tropical/exotic fruits.

Also, bushes and swimming. PLEASE NINTENDO, don't be like Game Freak introducing awesome additions then suddenly omitting them in the next game!! 😭😭😭
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I really miss the Island from NL :( compared to the Nook Miles Islands it was so much better - had minigames to play, way better storage and you didn't have to pay for tools! Plus (and this is just a personal preference) but I much preferred beetle farming.

Honestly the Nook Miles Islands in general are just a bit of a bust for me.

i do too! i prefer beetle/shark farming way better. for me it was quick and efficient and i’d normally get 300k bells whereas the tarantula islands i get about half of that.
Okay so I stumbled upon this thread yesterday and I was debating about writing because I GENUINELY LOVE THIS GAME.
However, there are quite a few things that still bother me / I miss / I was expecting to be in New Horizons.

1. I feel there isn't much to do other than work on your town. I've played countless hours of New Leaf for the past 7 years and I feel in comparison to New Leaf , New Horizons is seriously lacking on minigames / events (even if there will be updates??). I get New leaf had the dock to go to the Island, but will it ever be implemented in New Horizons?? I mean there's a dock there... But no where to go so far that we know of. Other than the few Bug-Off's and Fishing Tourney's I feel there isn't much meant for multiplayer other than trading items / villagers at the moment which makes me kind of .. sad??

2. Multiplayer restrictions: I understand why they did it but i feel like it takes a lot of the fun away?? Having the best friend restriction to do anything makes it virtually impossible / quite annoying to trade things such as flower or materials that would be hidden in trees/ rocks/ the ground. Even when you're best friends that most you can do is dig, which makes it quite restrictive when having people over. The only thing to do is shop, catch bugs and fish...

3. Gyroids and Pitfalls. Pitfalls are now a DIY but it takes a while to even get the DIY, up until I found it i didn't even think they existed??

4. NewLeaf introduced bushes and tropical fruit: bananas , mango, lychee, persimmons etc. and now they just .. don't exist???? Same with diving and using the wet suit

5. I genuinely believe a camper comes only once a month or every two months in your campsite and it's annoying that it's not more often... / I fell island tours have spawn rates of each villager and some are way harder to find / easier to find.

6. I thought all amiibos, even the sanrio characters etc would be implemented into the game??? Idk I just kinda assumed even tho not all NPC characters like Reese and Cyrus, Harriet aren't here in the game.

7. If you were going to add a force villager feature out wouldn't you make sure that's not literally the biggest thing to bug someone's town?? Idk it seems fishy to me that that was a new feature and they didn't even check to make sure it didn't cause any problems.

8. Villagers have the same text over and over again. I can't stand having two of the same personality in my town because it's literally the same text with no variety.

9. I think only playable events are only playable during the year they come out?? Since I time travel so much I'm not in 2020, so I never got to experience Bunny Day in my own town. I went to a friend's town and I couldn't even do everything because of best friend restrictions??

10. After you complete the "story" there aren't any shop upgrades??

11: Nintendo made it harder to make "Tarantula Islands spawn" even though that's what I did in the New Leaf island all the time with my friends? Cut down all the trees in the center and catch the rare bugs for hours and sell them to make money. It just seems a little ehh imo.

12: also why do golden tools break :'0

Here are just a few for conversation :')) But i genuinely love this game and I really hope Nintendo adds some of these things back soon in future updates~
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All I want right now is the ability to use bridges to connect over land. I want to use bridges to connect the mountains I terraform and have water running below the bridges on the ground level. That'd make for some interesting town designs.
Oof, I really like the game, but I have so many complaints!

1. I hate how I can't craft multiple fish baits at once, why does it have to take me up 3 minutes instead of 10 seconds?
2. Not being able to craft inside your home using the stuff that's in the storage, makes 0 sense.
3. Not being able to craft immediately stuff that requires other diy things (such as a fishing rod). Why do I have to make the flimsy version, when they could just give you the option to merge it together, if you know what I mean?
4. Campers appearing once every 300 years, what did i build the campsite for?
5. The lack of exotic fruit and of a minigame island, like the one in NL. I spent hours there!
6. More. Shops. I. Want. Them. All.
7. There's generally so much less stuff to do? I used to play for hours NL, I get bored in NH after one hour and I feel like the only goal is to make my island pretty. :(( Where is all the lost stuff, the favors, in almost a month playing, I got to deliver only one package and found a single lost item. Like what am I supposed to do?
8. So much trash when fishing! Waaaay too much, it's frustrating, I either catch a can or a sea bass.
9. Not receiving letters from the villagers if I don't send one. I loved to get them, now if I don't write one, nobody bothers.
10. The villagers repeat themselves way too much.
11. After talking with them twice they just keep saying "wow!! Now you surely are bored" and get all annoying. I hate it so so much. I really liked "talking" with villagers. Now there's no point. :((
12. Villagers don't seek you out as much as they used to. Again, this makes me feel like they "don't want to interact". And it doesn't make sense.
13. Having to accept the first camper. I. Frickin. Hate. Klaus. Get him out.
14. Where is Rooster? I know that he's coming, but jeez, they delayed this game, they surely had the time to put him in. Why wait, he's not a "seasonal" character (and I'm pretty mad about that because Rooster is my favorite character since I was a kid).
15. This is dumb, but I want the post office back. :((
It would've been nice if we could build it after x amount of time. I know it isn't going to happen, but I just loved Pelly, Pete and Phillis. ;-; And it's nice to send multiple letters at once, why do they not allow that anymore wth. Ahshshs

Overall, I really like NH and want to see it get better, but I'm afraid to have had wayyy more fun with NL. I hope that more stuff will be coming soon.
I really miss the Island from NL :( compared to the Nook Miles Islands it was so much better - had minigames to play, way better storage and you didn't have to pay for tools! Plus (and this is just a personal preference) but I much preferred beetle farming.

Honestly the Nook Miles Islands in general are just a bit of a bust for me.

i do too! i prefer beetle/shark farming way better. for me it was quick and efficient and i’d normally get 300k bells whereas the tarantula islands i get about half of that.
i agree with both of you!! it also makes a big difference that for me, i'm terrified of tarantulas even in NH but i can handle the beetles on NL's island. and i'm just desperate for the minigames back honestly, i was actually hoping there would be more because they're so fun to play with friends but some additional variety would be nice, not expecting them to be deleted entirely! i see no reason why we can't go to tortimer's island, honestly? don't isabelle and tom still know him? is he dead? is kapp'n dead? it's so silly to me, this is already a tropical island game and you let us go to harvey's photo studio island!
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