The ACNH Rant Thread

i think i've ranted about this on here before but: can the happy home academy please. PLEASE. just leave me alone about having junk on my floor. i hate reading that stupid "you know you can store things you aren't using, right?" message! i'm not 5 years old. i know that items can be stored. but here's the thing: for the items that are causing me to get this letter? i literally cannot. these stupid extra DIY recipes, which the game encourages me to share with my friends, can't be stored for whatever asinine reason, as if my character is somehow physically incapable of placing a recipe card in a drawer. if i don't wanna sell them but instead save them to gift to my friends when they come over, i am absolutely required by the game to trash either my island or my house with them. so if this is not going to be fixed in a patch then i would like to send the happy home academy a letter telling them to shut up about it!!
I joined this Facebook page for the game that has about 150k members. Now what doesn’t bother me is that a majority of them are first time players.
However, recently the group started allowing people to post villager auctions, trades, and sales and whatnot. So, what bothers me is the constant BULLYING and RUDENESS that comes from the FIRST TIME PLAYERS. Completely bashing and ripping people trying to give tier 1 villagers to shreds. It bothers me because they all claim it as “greedy” and “selfish” and it’s so unfair that all these new people get to come in and declare that the way we play our game is considered “awful” for selling villagers on a market. I’m tired of it and I wish the admins could set an actual post saying “If you do not agree or are interested DO NOT COMMENT” because some people can’t even get to their offers with the amount of comments from people who disagree with their pricing. :(
Ugh I had to get that off my chest lol
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I know its likely selfish but I kind of wish that given the size of this platform's popularity, they would've gone all out?

Folks are right when they say that the villagers don't really say much in the way of their aspirations, as well as, I really just kind of miss diving, and doing dream stuff, and listening to jokes from our favorite axolotl... even Timmy and Tommy's store updating to max capacity and giving us all of this new stuff to look at every day is just, poof, gone, and that makes me personally disappointed.

I know there can be dlcs to come in the future that might bring some of these aspects back, but the Easter event made me realize that the game feels very... .. mundane. Slow is the Animal Crossing trademark but, when it feels like you're going towards nothing new so fast after you've just started, that's, really just sad.

Its a beautiful game, and it improved so much, but it also took away a lot, like a lot a lot, and replaced it with things that get old very quickly.

I still enjoy playing, but, Lyman not talking to me about wanting to be an astronaut no matter how close we both get, it, makes me feel like I'm in a coma on this island full of familiar faces waiting for me to wake up and be their mayor again, every turn I try to take only leading to an inevitable but unreachable familiarity that's close to what I remember having and loving before but, not quite there... as does everything that drags on towards nothing more than waking to another day of decorating, and saying the same things, over and over, waiting, wondering when I'll ACTUALLY wake up again to be greeted by the real deal.

Sorry, not sorry Animal Crossing New Horizons.
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I’ve been playing a lot more recently. Villager dialogue is starting to get a bit better. It still repeats from time to time. But I’ve had a few requests for favors and villagers running up to me to give me random gifts.

My Animal Crossing Companion Guide arrives today so I’m curious to see if it’s got the event details doe fruited events like the New Leaf Guide does.

I still don’t like the many duplicate DiY recipes. I can’t remember last time I got one that I didn’t have and that I could make.
a few nick picks but I dont like how when, you talk to villagers when they're crafting and they give you the recipe when if you already have it. so now, I have to sell it or give it away. if I dont, it just sits there in my house.

It's also very annoying to try to move villagers out, without amiibo. I dont want to tt weeks to try get somebody out, it's not fun.
For the first time, autosave has completely screwed me over. I was moving Molly's house and didn't realise I had it one space forward for where I needed it. Now it's going to take me 2 more days and 100,000 extra bells that I don't have to fix it, despite the fact it took me literally 2 seconds to realise 🙃
I remembered Harv's island exists and I was messing with it and having fun, but I can't help but notice his house has normal sized/big side rooms and im just like... why are we eternally stuck with tiny side rooms and dumb rectangular basements then? i honestly can't deal with the design choices in this game
I just send a letter with a wrapped present this time, and I instantly got a present back. If we have to use wrapping paper to gift something and receive something back, why do we even have the option to send something without a wrapped present? Like, we can just gift villagers things as soon as you hit the first friendship level with them, why is the wrapping paper required for them. Wasn't it for online friends in New Leaf?
All the dialogue. It was okay the first couple of times but for the love of god please just let me fly.
12. No rain themes? I realized the background music doesn't change when it's raining, which just kills the atmosphere.

12) agreed.... I was actually a bit disappointed to not hear a rainy variant and if there is...its sooo hard to tell...

There is definitely a raining variant of songs, but they aren't as interesting as previous games. In most cases, I prefer the non-rainy variants.