The ACNH Rant Thread

If we got New Leaf with updated HD graphics I think it would be far better than New Horizons in several respects. I like terraforming, it's fun, but there is nothing for me to do now but terraform.

My villagers seem more interested in conversing with eachother about the "rock-scream" competitions they have literally every day than they do talking to me for the three times I'm allowed to talk with them before they get annoyed.

There is so little interesting furniture now, but it seems like Nintendo isn't going to bring the old sets back in favor of appealing to the new/ casual demographic who want more realistic houses and gardens.

I hate the moonlight. It's too bright and I miss New Leaf where the nighttime actually looked like the nighttime.

I don't like being forced to receive my villagers in a certain order. Uchi-Jock-Peppy-Lazy-Normal-Smug-Cranky-Snooty. There is also no RNG. Everything is linked to your save file (flowers, fruit, colored furniture, nook miles furniture) and you are forced to trade for everything because Nintendo wants money.

There is no reason there should be this many game-breaking bugs in a "finished" game. New Horizons was released half-baked and incomplete and forcing your audience to wait til you give them the rest of the game is cheap and unfriendly to consumers.
I want the flea market system back! Do you guys remember that? A little guy coming along to your house to check out your wares and you can sell the furniture to them. And you can go to their houses and possibly buy that super rare item they happen to own! (if you were lucky, of course lol cuz some of them KNEW that item was rare)

I really enjoyed how in WW if you tap a little guy they would wave back to you! Or scowl if they were mad at you! Gosh it was the most adorable thing. I know CF did it too but WW did it cuter <3<3<3
I don't like being forced to receive my villagers in a certain order. Uchi-Jock-Peppy-Lazy-Normal-Smug-Cranky-Snooty. There is also no RNG. Everything is linked to your save file (flowers, fruit, colored furniture, nook miles furniture) and you are forced to trade for everything because Nintendo wants money.


And to balance that, yet again, we got poor excuse of Animals dialogue and nothing much to do
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I want the flea market system back! Do you guys remember that? A little guy coming along to your house to check out your wares and you can sell the furniture to them. And you can go to their houses and possibly buy that super rare item they happen to own! (if you were lucky, of course lol cuz some of them KNEW that item was rare)

I really enjoyed how in WW if you tap a little guy they would wave back to you! Or scowl if they were mad at you! Gosh it was the most adorable thing. I know CF did it too but WW did it cuter <3<3<3
Pretty much agree, but this, oh no! Will make ham-fisted online interactions more usseless than they are now 😆

Animals here also react to your emotes, but you need to be in front of them
My only real complaint is that everything feels WAY too time-restricted. And I don't mean just for building upgrades or special visitors or anything like that...I mean, even for things as simple as which items seem to spawn from trees, or balloons, or in the shop...or the recipes you get from villagers in their homes. Of all the tons of items that I know exist, I seem to get an oddly repetitive handful of them most the time. I suspect this is done to keep you playing, so it takes longer to get things you don't already have...or to make you do more of the Wisp quests. But, I genuinely despise it. Even in the very beginning of my game, when I had about 10 items in my catalog, I was finding myself getting dupes early on. Now I'm well over 115 hours, and I'm still getting a lot of these dupe items, which is more logical when my catalog is filling up. But, the fact that the rate was so high back when I had nothing was very annoying to me.
not my screenshot but here's one of her mentioning the shooting stars!
View attachment 242765
i wonder if maybe she doesn't always mention it for some reason, like maybe if she has another announcement to make?? having it on the bulletin board would help for sure, especially if that's the case.
i'm sure she mentions gulliver in new leaf though! i don't have a screenshot but i still play it and the other day she told me someone strange was washed up on the beach and he was there, that's why i find it odd that she doesn't do the same in NH. i wish there was some indicator of these things either through the billboard or isabelle, or both if it's possible that isabelle might not always announce them for some reason (like the meteor showers).

It’s strange that she can’t make multriple announcements, then... it’s almost like she was an afterthought.

Really? I played for quite a long time on nl (over 500+ hours) and I don’t ever recall that... Pretty interesting
1. Where is Brewster, Leif, Pelly, Pete and Phillis?
2. No swimming? In your "Getaway Island"?
3. When placing down paths, certain spots can't be covered with the path, which leaves an ugly stripe of grass in between.
4. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I don't like the idea of having to pay Nintendo Switch Online to use features like the QR scan.
5. Although I didn't like persimmons, mangoes, durians and lychees, I miss having lemons. Also, it would make even more sense to have all these fruits on ACNH, as it's implied it's sort of a "Tropical Island".
6. Villager's dialogue feels very bland, even when I've played for almost a month. They keep saying things like "Oh, it's you again" which is just straight up rude. I mean if it had the sassiness of Wild World or the friendliness of New Leaf it'd be OK, but it just feels as if they were forced to talk to you.
7. I know that in this game our options of decorating outside are very increased now, but I still miss several of the PWPs from New Leaf.
8. Night doesn't feel like night anymore because the moon is too bright
9. No Island Tours? Not any new mini games? No hide and seek? The game feels a little bit boring, specially because they expect you to spend more time crafting and terraforming.
10. Golden tools break
11. Rain rates are messed up. After playing since March 20th, today is the first rainy day. Most days are very sunny. I think the weather should be more varied.
12. No rain themes? I realized the background music doesn't change when it's raining, which just kills the atmosphere.
13. The island feels small, though it would be bigger.
14. You can't put any designs or paths over the Residents Service's square? I don't like that ugly design, and it doesn't fit my island's style.
15. I don't really like the hourly music. In New Leaf, it beautiful and harmonious.
Mates, what you think: Realistically, will they at least fix dialogues in NH, or we will wait for next game? Will they fix other stuff?
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Why are like half the DIYs ugly? I haven't gotten anything good from the messages in a bottle.
Why are like half the DIYs ugly? I haven't gotten anything good from the messages in a bottle.

DIYs also come from balloons, and villagers. Besure to pop every balloon you see, and check in on your villagers every chance you get. Should increase your odds of getting a good DIY
DIYs also come from balloons, and villagers. Besure to pop every balloon you see, and check in on your villagers every chance you get. Should increase your odds of getting a good DIY
Good to know, thanks! I've been popping balloons and getting either bells or iron nuggets. Guess I've been getting bad RNG haha
So I probably shouldn't complain about this, because we get so much space in the custom patterns app already, but I don't like how all the residents living on the island have to share the same amount of space anyway

Like in NL, you could make a new character for more pattern space? Nope, not anymore

I mean it's probably okay if you're the only one playing your island but I just feel like I'll end up using way more pattern space than I thought I would
1. Where is Brewster, Leif, Pelly, Pete and Phillis?
2. No swimming? In your "Getaway Island"?
3. When placing down paths, certain spots can't be covered with the path, which leaves an ugly stripe of grass in between.
4. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I don't like the idea of having to pay Nintendo Switch Online to use features like the QR scan.
5. Although I didn't like persimmons, mangoes, durians and lychees, I miss having lemons. Also, it would make even more sense to have all these fruits on ACNH, as it's implied it's sort of a "Tropical Island".
6. Villager's dialogue feels very bland, even when I've played for almost a month. They keep saying things like "Oh, it's you again" which is just straight up rude. I mean if it had the sassiness of Wild World or the friendliness of New Leaf it'd be OK, but it just feels as if they were forced to talk to you.
7. I know that in this game our options of decorating outside are very increased now, but I still miss several of the PWPs from New Leaf.
8. Night doesn't feel like night anymore because the moon is too bright
9. No Island Tours? Not any new mini games? No hide and seek? The game feels a little bit boring, specially because they expect you to spend more time crafting and terraforming.
10. Golden tools break
11. Rain rates are messed up. After playing since March 20th, today is the first rainy day. Most days are very sunny. I think the weather should be more varied.
12. No rain themes? I realized the background music doesn't change when it's raining, which just kills the atmosphere.
13. The island feels small, though it would be bigger.
14. You can't put any designs or paths over the Residents Service's square? I don't like that ugly design, and it doesn't fit my island's style.
15. I don't really like the hourly music. In New Leaf, it beautiful and harmonious.

1) We know for a fact Leif and Brewster are coming back, Leif in an earth day update, what he’s going to do is up for debate, and Brewster has been mentioned in the data mine, alongside villager dialogues in game

2) There’s possibly a swimming animation if you debug into the water, suggesting that it will be added later on...(don't know if its true...or where I heard this it may be a rumor...)

3) This I agree with...a bit annoying...

4) Also agree, why lock this behind a paywall? Isn’t having the app enough unless you do online play with friends

5) I have faith these will be added back

6) I’m kinda mixed on this as now they’re warming up to me, and getting unique dialogue (though diy recipes dialogue should be fix to addd more variety (patty please I don’t care about MIL... it was funny the first time now... It’s annoying.)

7) Which ones are missing?

8) Agree it’s too bright...even when there’s no moon, the ground is lit I thought my tv contrast was messed up...

9) I theorize that the mini games will be added in a summer update with Kapp’n returning with the all summer island.

10) I hated that they broke too especially since gold ore is so hard to come by, but my sister said that gold is real soft, so unless they add in a way to make tools unbreakable, it makes sense (also...while I’m on this...why do ladders/poles not break? They are almost forgotten by people once you start having bridges and inclines...)

11) I had maybe a few rainy days when I started on the 24, but I have yet to see a single shower (besides the meteor showers) in April...

12) agreed.... I was actually a bit disappointed to not hear a rainy variant and if there is...its sooo hard to tell...

13) I read it is bigger? look up acnh map size comparison

14) not only that, you can’t place objects either...

15) I find myself playing with the music almost off....which is sad because I really enjoyed precious tittles’s almost like they ran out of time to make hourly music
I wish I could craft multiples of things in one go! Having to craft upwards of 30 clams into fishbait is tiresome.
I like the crafting mechanic overall, but making fish bait is a huge exception. The amount of time wasted looking for clams, digging them up, and making them into bait one at a time is such a drag. Even if it cost 5000 bells for 10 bags of fish bait, I’d much prefer buying it at Nook’s Cranny to making it myself. At the very least, CJ should sell bait!

Villager dialogue being repetitive is also a huge bummer, but it was like that in NL too so I can’t say I’m shocked.
I really want to be able to buy earrings in New Horizons... y u add cool things to awful Pocket Camp but not include them here..... Nintendo...
My rant is not with the game but with the players. Too many bullies playing this game, they don't deserve it. They don't even deserve the dreamies. Getting the dreamies by bullying others.. I hope these players aren't bullied or bullies themselves in real life.
I'm not sure if possible, but if so, is there a way I can play different music in different parts of my island? It's so annoying to listen to the music in clearly different places where I wanted to listen to different kinds of music.
For people who island hop to find dreamies, or decent looking villagers to fill spots so randoms don’t move in. I think it’s garbage that the rng allows repeats. There have to be at least over 100 villagers to choose from. Even if you take out the ones who are already on your island. There are still plenty to shuffle through. I’m not asking for them to all be in a certain predictable order, just that repeats don’t happen till you’ve cycled through all villagers in the game. That aren’t on your island.

idk maybe that’s a flawed rant, but it’s how I feel after using 135 tickets and only finding one dreamie.