The ACNH Rant Thread

Like all of you guys, I have several gripes with this game. But given this is the 54th page, it seems there is no shortage of complaints, and I'm sure my own are probably adding to a list of repeats.

Still, it'll be nice to relate my grievances to others.

1. Nintendo can force updates upon us as though this were suddenly Windows 10. Just the other day, I woke up to check on my island, not saving it the night before because let's face it, the loading time is also tedious. The first message I received before resuming the game was "new update". I declined and chose "start software". It was fine at first, I exited townhall and the screen began loading before cutting to Isabelle excitedly chattering about the news, or lack there of. (See gripe 2) I then connected it to my dock and it froze; I waited a few minutes and nothing. It finally loads up and the game was closed, and no update was offered. The game updated without my permission; I never said I was ready to update, yet Nintendo went ahead with it anyway. I'm sorry, I thought I bought this Switch but apparently I'm simply leasing it since they can do what they wish with it.
2. Isabelle's news is pointless. Most of the time she could be offering new information, such as if Gulliver is on the beach, Flick is around, etc. Instead I hear about a fantasy scenario she quickly laughs off, and I receive the actual news from my villagers. Isabelle, you are fake news.
3. Have to take a moment to agree with everyone that yes, the one-track-wonder you're stuck with for about a week is redundant, and borderline laughable, comparing its content to NL and WW.
4. Following this music complaint, you should be able to mute the music entirely. What if I don't want to hear 5PM's squeaky horns, or the ominous sounds that are included in 3AM? (Reminds me of a Shy Guy level from Mario, in the forest or something.) Don't even get me started on the whining chorus that makes up 2PM. It would be so much better if we were able to mute it entirely, and listen to the radio we set up in the grass instead.
5. Villagers move out way too slowly. If I have a full town I should have someone ask me to move at least every four days, maybe even three.
6. Multiplayer is absolutely pointless. What am I supposed to even do when I have a friend over? Mass craft bait and challenge them to see who can catch the rarer fish? I mean it's ridiculous. The major part of NL was it's multiplayer activities, and in this supposedly "upgraded" game, they removed all of those features. It's just boring.
7. Stuff is way too expensive! For as difficult as Bells can be to make sometimes, (looking at you, dry spells when Tarantulas are few, the season for Emperor butterflies has ended, and the most profitable fish to be caught is the elusive Oarfish or Tuna) I should not walk into my once-upgraded (See following number) Nook's Cranny to be filled with excitement from a shiny new fridge being offered, and then immediately realize I'm going to have to either leave it behind or sell the shirt off my back to purchase it.
8. Nook's Cranny upgrades once, randomly. I played for 40+ days and still nothing. Finally, after about the 44th day, Isabelle informed me it would be receiving an overhaul. (Amazing, actually useful news.)
9. This game is too similar to PC, which had it's own problems I choose not to delve into.
10. The lack of diving is heartbreaking; that was another one of the entertaining things about NL. It never got old. I think there are still a few creatures I never caught.
11. My house is indeed too small. Including storage.
12. You should be able to change in any wardrobe, even at a friend's island
13. The game forces you to move in the first villager who comes into your campsite. In my unluckiness, I was burdened with Graham. I hated him til the day he left and could do nothing to remove him. Meanwhile, I tried everything to halt his plans to move in but my options were "Move here!" or "Okay". Either choice, I was stuck with his little yellow prick self.
14. You should be able to remove and add any villager you want, any time. I had to TT eight entire days to get him to move, and it wasn't even natural. Hopper chose to pay a visit to the campsite and somehow he replaced Graham who was "already thinking of leaving". Convenient he would choose now to leave when I'd been beating him with a net, ignoring him, surrounding his home with garbage/wasp nests/and cardboard boxes since the day he had arrived.

I'm sure there's more but it's not even worth the time to continue ranting for another hour. (If anyone wishes to know why I detest Graham, the reasons are quite valid and fair. In a word, he's a nuisance.)
i wish we could access ABDs in other towns because i'm so tired of having to go back and forth between islands or having to ask my friend to get something for me when i don't have enough money for something at able's LOL

was this not already available in past games? if so, y did u take it out Nintendo!!!!
was this not already available in past games? if so, y did u take it out Nintendo!!!!
yes it was available in other games :( i think they may have removed it to discourage big transfers of money (ex. people buying hacked bells on ebay in new leaf) but it's so annoying !!
Ok I’m back again lol, this game really feels so unfinished... Like I said so many features and characters have been removed for seemingly no reason at all and it just feels so weird. And I know that they might come back in updates, but that shouldn’t have even happened in the first place, and we don’t even know if the updates will actually come or if it’s just useless data they forgot to remove. And there are SO MANY glitches and bugs! New leaf came out in 2013 on a very primitive console and it was almost bug free, and most of the bugs and glitches were either fun or actually useful. There are just way too many game breaking bugs in a game that took nearly a decade to make and was even delayed. And that just makes me so upset, they had nearly a whole decade to perfect such a anticipated game and they even had to delay it, just for us to all be bored of it a couple weeks after it came out, what a waste (´ε`*)
Looks like basically everything that there is to be said has been said, HOWEVER
1. Why can't we preview wallpapers and flooring in the Nook store? I get not trying on display clothes in the Able Sisters because there is a dressing room, but the icons for wallpapers/flooring are so tiny half the time I'm gambling on what I'm buying
2. Considering an almost 8 year gap between NL and NH, I'm disappointed that there are only 8(?) new villagers and no new species when NL introduced so many. Also kind of sad there aren't new personality types but I understand personalities are much more difficult to create than species (or new villagers of underrepresented species)
3. Why, for the love of god, is terraforming locked to only the A button? So many times I've accidentally placed a path/cliff/river in the wrong spot and have to press A twice to remove it. There are literally 3 unused buttons. Make A create and B destroy.
4. Small complaint as I trust Nintendo will add furniture from NL back into the game with updates, but the game was released with such a small selection of furniture that literally everyone's kitchens and bathrooms look the same...
Fresh rant from me: I don't understand why people diving villagers by grades?
Jeez, that explains why get villagers lobotomized, people collect them as fancy collectable pets, without any semblance of personality (if they actually had any in NH). I don't wanna speak for everyone, but currently this look mesmerizing how many people constantly grade them.
Fresh rant from me: I don't understand why people diving villagers by grades?
Jeez, that explains why get villagers lobotomized, people collect them as fancy collectable pets, without any semblance of personality (if they actually had any in NH). I don't wanna speak for everyone, but currently this look mesmerizing how many people constantly grade them.
I heard it was because some players found mean villagers too mean so they had to dial them back to what they are now... But I agree, I wish they had a bit more personality to them to set them apart.

My rants:
  • I really wish we had a way to mass remove paths or continuously add paths by holding a button. Having to hit A every single time really grates when you want to make long paths.
  • Shopping basket for the clothing store! Just let me select all the colour variations.
  • Give me a tile indicator. I'd like to be able to see where I'm placing something by the square.
  • Durability bars for tools.
  • Mass crafting and mass purchasing from Nook's Cranny. In particular, seeds. Why can't I just enter an amount I want?
  • And probably the biggest: I don't like how they left out so much content. I get that they will probably add more in updates, but I don't feel comfortable being at the mercy of a company for content that should have just been in the base game.
I need to vent about a user who catalogued my set of gnomes (they left a 99k tip but I asked for nothing in return) and then proceeded to charge a LOT of other users 5NMT each to catalogue them.

I let them catalogue them as an act of kindness after searching for every variant by myself. For them to then turn it into a money making scheme in this way felt icky. Like they abused my kindness.

They are a new member to the site and not the first new member I’ve seen or been in contact with that are charging ridiculous amounts for little things. Of course, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people selling on Nooks Cranny and I’m not against new members; I’m just getting sick of the inflated prices and the attitudes of some members.
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I also want to rant about the fact I put custom paths everywhere and then realised they didn’t show up in the map. I’m having to take them up, out down a regular type of paving and then lay them on top again. It’s ridiculous but if I don’t do it my map looks bizarre.

While I’m ranting about custom paths - why do they not have a sound when you walk on them?! You can hear a tiny shuffle but very little. I use a design that looks like brick and I wish it sounded like it to or even kept the grass sound.
I heard it was because some players found mean villagers too mean so they had to dial them back to what they are now... But I agree, I wish they had a bit more personality to them to set them apart.

Most sad thing about them: I got Apollo and Cyd, both of them have same personality and as result: many, if not all dialogs from them are same
Please just let us stack and store flowers. I've been doing some heavy renovation on my island (which is pretty tedious in general), and having to shuffle my flowers around one inventory full at a time is torture. And I'm still going to have to move them all again, except I don't actually have anywhere to put most of them. I've already trashed a lot of my normal flowers that I don't need, but I still have a bunch of hybrids I need to do something about. And I don't even have any cosmos or mums yet. No idea how I'm going to make room for those when I get them.

Also, I know a lot of people seem to like that you can't trample flowers anymore, but that was my main way of getting rid of unwanted flowers. Now I have to dig them up one by one with my breakable shovel just so I can throw them away.
This isn't a big rant to the game design or anything but... I have DID and my Little wanted to make a town as well. She's happy sharing an island as well but.. aaah!
i hate how there are so many normal villagers, like can't some of them be a different personality instead? a lot of them look really good but it would be bring to have too much of a certain villager personality (especially since it's the normal personality type)
The ACNH devs are cowards for putting in the tree limit for 5-star island ratings.


Just thought I'd give the people who liked this post an update: I had to cut down 88 ENTIRE TREES TO GET A 5-STAR ISLAND. MARK MY WORDS ISABELLE, THE MOMENT I GET ENOUGH LILIES OF THE VALLEY, THEY WILL BE REBORN.
This is semi-related to ACNH but please leave feedback if you complete a trade successfully with someone or even go to catalog something.

I have completed a lot of trades on here over the past few days and love the community, but it's hard as a new member trying to build up my reputation when people won't return the favor. I just looked at my profile and was disappointed to see I've left feedback for 9 people and have only received feedback in exchange for half of those trades. I'm not trying to call anyone out directly but just a reminder to help build each other up!
Is there a list of all the content you can only get by trading online? [Aka all the content locked behind a switch online subscription]

- Furniture sold in stores are color locked (you can get different colors for regular furniture from trees and balloons, except for furniture from nook terminal)
- Custom designs and qr-codes
- Theoretically You can't find every fruit and flower type
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