I completely agree with your frustrations. However, as far as what you said about them having a decade to perfect this, just wanted to put it out there that the switch came out in 2017 so it's actually been 3 years.Ok I’m back again lol, this game really feels so unfinished... Like I said so many features and characters have been removed for seemingly no reason at all and it just feels so weird. And I know that they might come back in updates, but that shouldn’t have even happened in the first place, and we don’t even know if the updates will actually come or if it’s just useless data they forgot to remove. And there are SO MANY glitches and bugs! New leaf came out in 2013 on a very primitive console and it was almost bug free, and most of the bugs and glitches were either fun or actually useful. There are just way too many game breaking bugs in a game that took nearly a decade to make and was even delayed. And that just makes me so upset, they had nearly a whole decade to perfect such a anticipated game and they even had to delay it, just for us to all be bored of it a couple weeks after it came out, what a waste (´ε`*)
Not trying to start a debate (and also wanna add in a quick edit, I'm glad the game came out when it did too lol and if they delayed it further that'd be a mess for so many reasons) but just wanna explain something, in reference to how the previous person said they've had nearly a decade: The thing is, the devs said they started developing New Horizons shortly after New Leaf came out--they say they started in 2012, which is nearly a decade ago, and they apparently were working on it even while working on NL's welcome amiibo update. The director said they started working on it before they even knew the switch would ever exist. But to a lot of us it sure doesn't feel like that's true. I think this might be what Velvet Hearts was referring to.I completely agree with your frustrations. However, as far as what you said about them having a decade to perfect this, just wanted to put it out there that the switch came out in 2017 so it's actually been 3 years.
It feels like longer to AC fans since New Leaf came out almost a decade ago... but they can't spend that entire time perfecting the game for if there was no console for it until 3 years ago. So I guess the only thing they could have done is delay it longer.
Especially under the current circumstances, I'm pretty happy it's out now. It definitely still could use a lot of work through updates for added features and patches.
This drives me crazy! If I'm remembering correctly we've been able to view wallpaper and flooring in most, if not all, of the previous games. I don't understand why they would take it out. I have no idea if what I'm buying is something I actually like or not.1. Why can't we preview wallpapers and flooring in the Nook store? I get not trying on display clothes in the Able Sisters because there is a dressing room, but the icons for wallpapers/flooring are so tiny half the time I'm gambling on what I'm buying
This has so far been my biggest issue. I had a hybrid flower bonanza today and people even took my landscaping ones. lolNot a fan of how I can't put the flowers or trees that I dug up in storage.
My store and DIYs have been so crummyI get so many repeats, usually of things that I already have but never liked the first time!
And yet my boyfriend got the cutting board todayI'm totally jealous lol but at least we can share everything!