The ACNH Rant Thread

it’s been the second time i’ve won a marshal auction and the op somehow forgot that he was in boxes and voided them through time travelling. i’m exhausted and confused. :|
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Ok I’m back again lol, this game really feels so unfinished... Like I said so many features and characters have been removed for seemingly no reason at all and it just feels so weird. And I know that they might come back in updates, but that shouldn’t have even happened in the first place, and we don’t even know if the updates will actually come or if it’s just useless data they forgot to remove. And there are SO MANY glitches and bugs! New leaf came out in 2013 on a very primitive console and it was almost bug free, and most of the bugs and glitches were either fun or actually useful. There are just way too many game breaking bugs in a game that took nearly a decade to make and was even delayed. And that just makes me so upset, they had nearly a whole decade to perfect such a anticipated game and they even had to delay it, just for us to all be bored of it a couple weeks after it came out, what a waste (´ε`*)
I completely agree with your frustrations. However, as far as what you said about them having a decade to perfect this, just wanted to put it out there that the switch came out in 2017 so it's actually been 3 years.
It feels like longer to AC fans since New Leaf came out almost a decade ago... but they can't spend that entire time perfecting the game for if there was no console for it until 3 years ago. So I guess the only thing they could have done is delay it longer.
Especially under the current circumstances, I'm pretty happy it's out now. It definitely still could use a lot of work through updates for added features and patches.
as much as i love this game, path placement sucks. ESPECIALLY when placing them on rounded pieces of land. it looks terrible. i wish we could make the paths fit the terrain better.
I completely agree with your frustrations. However, as far as what you said about them having a decade to perfect this, just wanted to put it out there that the switch came out in 2017 so it's actually been 3 years.
It feels like longer to AC fans since New Leaf came out almost a decade ago... but they can't spend that entire time perfecting the game for if there was no console for it until 3 years ago. So I guess the only thing they could have done is delay it longer.
Especially under the current circumstances, I'm pretty happy it's out now. It definitely still could use a lot of work through updates for added features and patches.
Not trying to start a debate (and also wanna add in a quick edit, I'm glad the game came out when it did too lol and if they delayed it further that'd be a mess for so many reasons) but just wanna explain something, in reference to how the previous person said they've had nearly a decade: The thing is, the devs said they started developing New Horizons shortly after New Leaf came out--they say they started in 2012, which is nearly a decade ago, and they apparently were working on it even while working on NL's welcome amiibo update. The director said they started working on it before they even knew the switch would ever exist. But to a lot of us it sure doesn't feel like that's true. I think this might be what Velvet Hearts was referring to.
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It must be said that I absolutely adore this game. However, my BIGGEST pet peeve is the continuous duplicate items.

For example, yesterday, a Throwback Wrestling Figurine was in my shop. I didn't want it, so I didn't pay for it. I shook trees, and guess what, a Throwback Wrestling Figurine was in the tree. I talked to my villager Rosie, anddddd she gave me a Throwback Wrestling Figurine. I went to a Mystery Island and ALSO GOT a Throwback Wrestling Figurine. Keep in mind this happened all in one day.


Sometimes I wonder if everything is really as "random" as it appears.
I keep getting cool flower diy recipes for hybrid flowers that will take forever for me to find because the basics aren't even sold in my shop
Pleaseee give me diys for my actual flower types
Cries in animalese 😭
Every furniture that I want to customize isn't able to. I literally just want to change the color.

Also I keep getting DIY I already know. Not a big deal but its just annoying.
1. Why can't we preview wallpapers and flooring in the Nook store? I get not trying on display clothes in the Able Sisters because there is a dressing room, but the icons for wallpapers/flooring are so tiny half the time I'm gambling on what I'm buying
This drives me crazy! If I'm remembering correctly we've been able to view wallpaper and flooring in most, if not all, of the previous games. I don't understand why they would take it out. I have no idea if what I'm buying is something I actually like or not.

Can you count how many things are wrong in this image? Apparently, Nintendo thinks the answer is 0.
I don't have the time to read through the rest of the thread, but I think I did see someone mentioned that it seemed a little bare-bones? It's great a lot of people are having fun with it, but I found a lot of fun in having a seeming abundance of things to strive for. The shops are my main draw. I'm starting to loose some interest in the game because Nook's Cranny can only be updated after a month and there doesn't seem like much else to get done? I don't know, maybe I'm just going through a lot of stress right now and I'm finding other things to do, but I'm getting a bit bored...even the daily characters seem super repetitive. The holidays are fun and I do like the format of the Bunny Day event because I feel like it kept me coming back, and the Sakura event helped keep me interested as well. I don't know...
I hate that I cannot manual save during multi-player. Twice now when I've been playing with a friend that has not great internet we've lost an hour worth of work, during which I caught my first and only oarfish. Why no manual save? It's ridiculous. Now anytime we play we are rushing to check each other's shops and leave before there is a chance of connectivity issues.
This might sound a bit silly but,

I really, really wish we could move Residential Services. Especially since some folks didn't know it couldn't be moved until it was too late.

I'm not gonna start over my game to get my RS to be above my airport. I've invested way to much into my island and have over 250 DIYs learned, furniture & clothes cataloged. Guess I got to make due.
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My store and DIYs have been so crummy :( I get so many repeats, usually of things that I already have but never liked the first time!
And yet my boyfriend got the cutting board today 😦 I'm totally jealous lol but at least we can share everything!
I bought the deserted island getaway package. My neighbors bought the deserted island getaway package. And yet. Isabelle seems to think we bought the freaking developed city getaway package! Less trees? More fences? More furniture? Isabelle, we paid good freaking bells to go to a deserted island! Why do you want us to make it into a city?
My store and DIYs have been so crummy :( I get so many repeats, usually of things that I already have but never liked the first time!
And yet my boyfriend got the cutting board today 😦 I'm totally jealous lol but at least we can share everything!

I have the same problem, but with different ones. Like I swear I've gotten the Cutting Board DIY like 4 times. I believe I even have an extra right now that I'm yet to give away if you'd like it. (I just checked, and yes, I do have one)
How many rattan waste bins are IN these trees?

Also: why are all the wasps on these islands in trees where it's hard to get away enough to grab net and face down :( they've gotten smart. Boutta spend my whole island-hopping session all swollen.