The ACNH Rant Thread

I'd like music outside to play in a wider range. I don't really like trying to make speakers/players blend in to the environment to keep the music playing, and the music kinda ends abruptly.

There needs to be an update to get more custom design slots. Also kinda weird how all players on one Switch share the same custom design slots.

The update that lowered the rate of bugs appearing. I really miss seeing so many butterflies outside at once.

I would like for furniture from previous games to be brought back into ACNH. The beach table would have been perfect for islands. And so many furniture sets that I miss seeing...

Some fencing create huge gaps between objects placed nearby them if they're thin. For example, I like the bamboo lattice fence, but you cannot place furniture or flowers right up against the fence. I wish you could move things in tinier increments.

How is it that we are unable to customize fencing? Some would have been perfect if the colors could be changed. Same with ramps. They just had to choose some weird colors IMO like the blue plank ramp and the red and blue steel staircases.
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Can we have an option to turn Isabelles announcement off please. I really don’t care about the spicy tuna casserole on last nights cooking show.

Or better yet, an option to fire her. I’d like Booker or Copper to take over, I’d care about their crossword puzzles.

I would love to have Tom Nook do the announcements, and replace Isabelle's other interactions with Pelly and Phyllis. Pelly is nice and unassuming without being annoying, and could do the notice board soliloquy, and Phyllis would be a fun way of getting the meanness back in the game whilst having her be easily avoided for players who don't want that.
I really wish they would cut back on the dialogue in a lot of places, ESPECIALLY Wilbur's at the airport. I was recently playing New Leaf again and oh my god its way quicker to visit or host than it would be with Wilbur. Why does it take 4 menus just to say, "Yes I would like to visit another island."

Why isn't there a shopping cart option? I'm sick of going in and out of the dressing room at Ables just to buy multiple colors of clothes.In addition to that, I wish I could buy multiple things at kiosk at once. I had 70,000 nook miles saved up and had to but 30 nmt one at a time. In the same vein, why is buy in bulk only 5? Thats barely bulk.

This might be an unpopular opinion but I hate that the game is gonna go through updates instead of having all its content at once. To me, it just feels like they're trying to artificially extend the life time of the game. Its so barebones and watered down that, while I love New Horizons, it really does feel like diet animal crossing.

I would say more but I'm gonna leave it at this for now.
I don't get the RNG for villagers on mystery islands. I spent 77 NMTs today and only had two cats appear. Meanwhile I saw Bud four times. And several others 2-3 times. Even Patty twice, who just fully moved out today so I could go searching in the first place.
Just don't see how I can get the same species over and over again, then the same villager within that species multiple times. Then only get two cats.

You shouldn't be able to get repeats within a certain time period.
I don't get the RNG for villagers on mystery islands. I spent 77 NMTs today and only had two cats appear. Meanwhile I saw Bud four times. And several others 2-3 times. Even Patty twice, who just fully moved out today so I could go searching in the first place.
Just don't see how I can get the same species over and over again, then the same villager within that species multiple times. Then only get two cats.

You shouldn't be able to get repeats within a certain time period.
The islands roll for species first and then a villager of that species so that every species, but not every villager, has an equal chance—which I agree is dumb but that’s how it is, unfortunately. It’s why the octopi have lost their market value due to the fact that there are only 3 making them so common on the islands, and why you constantly see the same cow as well (since there are only 4 of them with bulls being considered a different species). And it’s also why you’ll have an awful time looking for one specific cat, since you have pass a 1/35 roll first and then an additional 1/23 roll.

I absolutely hate it and I wish that every villager had an equal chance, with repeats being taken out of the equation for at least the rest of the day.
Can we have an option to turn Isabelles announcement off please. I really don’t care about the spicy tuna casserole on last nights cooking show.

Or better yet, an option to fire her. I’d like Booker or Copper to take over, I’d care about their crossword puzzles.
I would love for Booker and Copper to come back but just not as police officers (for obvious reasons)
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Why isn't there a shopping cart option? I'm sick of going in and out of the dressing room at Ables just to buy multiple colors of clothes.

I find myself deciding between two shirts because I dread having to re-enter the change room and would rather miss out on a cute shirt than endure Mabel's pointless dialogue to buy both.
I have no idea why... but balloons have either stopped spawning or they hate me... I have had no balloon spawns the past couple of days...which is beyond strange...I know which side of the beach to wait on and everything, and they just do not come...sometimes I hear the whistle, and I just don't see any balloons (even if i run along the beach to see if it's spawned further away)... it's frustrating me >_<
Had a very positive experience with trading and decided to host a giveaway last week. Almost went crazy! There were definitely a lot of issues with doing giveaways, like people not following rules, forcing me to fence off areas. And also the people who told me they wanted something and then not replying forever and now the stuff is just taking up space and held when i couldve given them to someone who actually needs it! Funny how the negative experiences start when stuff is free :/ Ah well rant over, thanks for reading!
Side note: Connection issues are driving me crazy in acnh! Paying nintendo 20$ for p2p connection is really terrible!

I have no idea why... but balloons have either stopped spawning or they hate me... I have had no balloon spawns the past couple of days...which is beyond strange...I know which side of the beach to wait on and everything, and they just do not come...sometimes I hear the whistle, and I just don't see any balloons (even if i run along the beach to see if it's spawned further away)... it's frustrating me >_<
I know! I see like maybe one a day for some reason!
Can we have an option to turn Isabelles announcement off please. I really don’t care about the spicy tuna casserole on last nights cooking show.

Or better yet, an option to fire her. I’d like Booker or Copper to take over, I’d care about their crossword puzzles.
Alternative, letting Tom Nook also making announcements (again). While I don't mind Isabelle as a character, her talking about what she watched on TV last night or talking to her parents over and over again becomes kinda lame. Having Nook who's talking about his free time and maybe also talking about things that happened on your island, whatever it's about your villagers or just a "thank you" to you for doing a good job would be a welcoming change.
after like almost 3 months of playing...still really wish the nook miles items weren't color locked. it's a struggle having one of the least desirable color way for something (green street lamp, for example :poop:) bc it's so difficult to find a trade. ugh.
Had a very positive experience with trading and decided to host a giveaway last week. Almost went crazy! There were definitely a lot of issues with doing giveaways, like people not following rules, forcing me to fence off areas. And also the people who told me they wanted something and then not replying forever and now the stuff is just taking up space and held when i couldve given them to someone who actually needs it! Funny how the negative experiences start when stuff is free :/ Ah well rant over, thanks for reading!

Yep, free always brings out the crazy. I did a few giveaways on other platforms and had exactly the same issues you did. It's been much easier selling things for cheap and throwing in free stuff with it as an alternative. Keeps out the people who feel like they're entitled to free things and my time, although it's at the expensive of the good players out there. Maybe once more people start dropping the game I'll try again but right now it's a zoo. :/
Yep, free always brings out the crazy. I did a few giveaways on other platforms and had exactly the same issues you did. It's been much easier selling things for cheap and throwing in free stuff with it as an alternative. Keeps out the people who feel like they're entitled to free things and my time, although it's at the expensive of the good players out there. Maybe once more people start dropping the game I'll try again but right now it's a zoo. :/
the funny thing is some of the people who do this actually have overwhelmingly positive feedback and are super long time members of btb. Its baffling :/
Cycling is tiring tbh AHAHAHAHAHA I mean it's kinda addicting to do but everytime it's not the villager I want to leave, it's really frustrating tbh, it really takes time, some times you'll be lucky and be done in an hour or so, but if you're not, you'll take like 3 hours or even more! Idk if it's just my method as I am new to cycling but ghaddd cycling's burning me out! But at least I'm getting lucky with the villagers I'm getting in my mystery islands, I got Julian with just 5NMTs and Judy next with just 9NMTs which is insane as both of them are dreamies of mine!
Had a very positive experience with trading and decided to host a giveaway last week. Almost went crazy! There were definitely a lot of issues with doing giveaways, like people not following rules, forcing me to fence off areas. And also the people who told me they wanted something and then not replying forever and now the stuff is just taking up space and held when i couldve given them to someone who actually needs it! Funny how the negative experiences start when stuff is free :/ Ah well rant over, thanks for reading!

aw man...really sorry to read that you had an awful experience with your giveaway! definitely agree with the other reply about free always bring out crazy. the greed blind better judgement and manner. all in all, it's still a game at the end of the day but just sucks that people act like this and ends up leaving a bad taste in someone else's mouth.

thanks for being generous and held the giveaway in the first place!
It's been mentioned but...

Do people with their "dreamies" even talk to them? They get them, dress them up, and that's it. That's not entirely players' fault (Nintendo did downgrade on the dialogue) but they make such a fuss over nothing. It's a cat in a dress. You only care about him because everyone else does.

Everyone's island feels the same now. It's always going to have at least one of the following: Raymond, Marina, Stitches, Marshall or Judy. It's absolutely fine to like these characters and have them but it's just a bit of a bummer when I'm trading, because I see at least one or two of those villagers and it's like new AC fans don't even know other villagers exist.
Oh my god yes. More food items for my kitchen! I also want to set up a sweets shop, but I'm kind of uninspired on what to use. But food items for a nice big kitchen and an outside café/drive-in type place, like the ones in Happy Home Designer, that would be amazing.