Time is a linear concept where events occur. When an event occurs on the timeline we know simply as "time", that event will still have happened if you progress further through time. This makes "history". When you have history to refer to, you can think back to events that happened. Humans have things called opinions. Opinions are what you think about things or events. I am a human. Therefore I have an opinion. I have an opinion about the event "REACTION TESTING VANESSA BY VOTING HER AND PRESSURING HER IN THREAD". I made this opinion by watching the situation unfold. Based on Vanessa's reaction to my vote or post, I can better discern whether she is town or mafia (the name of the game we are playing, in case you didn't realize). When I find it worthwhile, I will call back to that event, and share my thoughts on it so that we can better reach the objective of this game. For me, it is eliminating mafia. For you, it is apparently to get lynched. I didn't know there was a hidden jester role.