The Bell Tree Is Now 17 Years Old!

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well TBT, now that you're 17, don't you think it's time you finally buckle down and study hard so you can boost your grades and get into a decent college next year? you don't wanna get stuck living at home forever do you? graduation will be here before you know it! also, don't forget to feed the dog before you go out with your friends tonight.
One more year and the bell tree would be old enough to get his license. They grow up so fast 🥺
Happy birthday belltree!!!! Wow, in one year this forum’ll be a legal adult in most of the states hehe
Happy birthday! Thank you for the seventeen bells. What a nice surprise! It’s just one more year until the site is an adult, and four more until it can legally drink.
Happy birthday TBT and thank you for the Bells!

Kind of crazy it's been around for that long. What did the original forum look like? Happy birthday TBT! Glad this place is here as I met a bunch of great folks.
damn this site’s older than my existance, happy birthday tbt 🥳
Happy Birthday TBT~! Wish I could have seen TBT when it first started. I could have.. but I didn't start playing animal crossing until I was in college 🤷‍♀️
Happy Birthday TBT! Thank you to the amazing staff and wonderful community that has kept this place going for 17 years!
Happy Birthday, TBT!🥳 I'm very proud to have been here for your 17th birthday, which also means that you have now come of age in the wizarding world. I hope to still be here for your 20th birthday!🥰
Congrats to the staff and everyone involved- it's a big feat to keep a forum running for so long and with so many events and activities. Happy birthday!
i can’t believe that it’s only just now dawning on me that my mom and tbt have the same birthday. happy birthday, tbt! 🥳🎉💜
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