Alice looked in the distance at the glow. "That looks like him..and the gem from earlier!" She said, trying to be quiet
(Did you see my new form Luca)
Alice looked in the distance at the glow. "That looks like him..and the gem from earlier!" She said, trying to be quiet
(Did you see my new form Luca)
(omg i killed Emrysysys)
Emrys was in shock at Rosandra taking it the sapphire from him. With the ruby, he cast a blue flame, but it missed and hit the igloo, burning half of the igloo down. He fell on his knees, tearing out his hair, and the ruby glowed in his hands. It fell onto the ground, cracking, and his body disintegrated and poofed. The two ruby shards stopped glowing, and turned into a dull red.
(now I'm still poofed in my sapphire freeee meeee)