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The Differences between the US and UK

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Babies wear Nappies? WTH is that supposed to be? British tv for the most part sucks cause they have no good sense of humor. There was only one bbc show that I liked about surviving the apocolypse but they ended it before it should have been...at an airport..everyone was dying of a virus..blah blah blah.

Are we talking about **** or cr*p?

I always find that **** offends more people, for some reason women more. It doesn't really stop anybody from using it though from what I've noticed.

Crap isn't a bad word, so yes, it's the other word. Here, the c-word is at the level of offensiveness as the dreaded n-word, but only for women. So the c-word is hardly used here, and one of the taboo words on television and cinema.

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Babies wear Nappies? WTH is that supposed to be? British tv for the most part sucks cause they have no good sense of humor. There was only one bbc show that I liked about surviving the apocolypse but they ended it before it should have been...at an airport..everyone was dying of a virus..blah blah blah.

Nappies mean diapers in the UK. That's what it means.

Another interesting vocab difference: trunk is the british word for boot.
Babies wear Nappies? WTH is that supposed to be? British tv for the most part sucks cause they have no good sense of humor. There was only one bbc show that I liked about surviving the apocolypse but they ended it before it should have been...at an airport..everyone was dying of a virus..blah blah blah.

it's you guys who have no sense of humour
British tv for the most part sucks cause they have no good sense of humor.

U wot m8?

Crap isn't a bad word, so yes, it's the other word. Here, the c-word is at the level of offensiveness as the dreaded n-word, but only for women. So the c-word is hardly used here, and one of the taboo words on television and cinema.

I'm never sure if crap is supposed to be a bad word or not. My grandparents always got a bit offended when I said it, as well as it being a 'taboo' when I was in school. Nobody else cares though.

I worked in Northern Rail for a short time. Loads of Scottish people working in rail. They sprinkle the 'c-word' around like their life depends on it xD
I really don't know why women find it as offensive as they do though. It makes no sense to me. As far as I'm aware it's just slang for vagina, so what's the big deal?
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I feel like we've already discussed that hunor is subjective between the countries and neither one has a bigger sense of humor than the other

Yeah, I know. I wasn't being serious - the humours are definitely different.

I really don't know why women find it as offensive as they do though. It makes no sense to me. As far as I'm aware it's just slang for vagina, so what's the big deal?

I would guess it's because it can be used as a disparaging term for a woman.
Babies wear Nappies? WTH is that supposed to be? British tv for the most part sucks cause they have no good sense of humor. There was only one bbc show that I liked about surviving the apocolypse but they ended it before it should have been...at an airport..everyone was dying of a virus..blah blah blah.

I love how you say British TV shows suck when there are so many good "American" tv shows which were completely copied from British ones.

*Cough* The office, Skins, Shameless and much much more *Cough*

and the tv show you're talking about, does it follow a survivor of a huge virus trying to find her son? I think I started watching that but lost interest because it wasn't very realistic.

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I feel like we've already discussed that hunor is subjective between the countries and neither one has a bigger sense of humor than the other

I think you mean it's subjective between each individual, not countries.

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What the UK? What is that? Do you eat it? Because, we all know America is the best place in the whole universe!

despite having thousands of people play victim to the law enforcement's racism

totally the best place in the entire universe
I would guess it's because it can be used as a disparaging term for a woman.

That's exactly what I'm trying to say. It may be as offensive as the d-word in the UK, but most uses in the US make it a female-bashing slur.

I find it funny that the racial slurs are worse than the c-word, yet they're used more often in today's media than the c-word.

Sorry if I had to bring that c-word up, but that's one difference in vocabulary. The UK is strange at times in the perspective of an american.
It's a common thing and it's happened with tons of shows but Americans are just generally ignorant to the rest of the world. You couldn't release a British show over there because they wouldn't be able to comprehend simple things like the British call 'fries' chips and call 'chips' crisps. Their heads would literally explode whilst trying to understand those differences.

That's a generalization we can do without. Yes, there is some slang we're not familiar with here in the States, but I seriously doubt our "heads would literally explode" trying to figure out what 'chips' and 'crisps' are.
On the gun thing, here's my thoughts: I do get when americans say that they feel safer having a gun, like I completely get where they're coming from in terms of self defense - I'd probably be the same. But on the flipside, if no-one has them at all, like here in the UK (apart from very few people) then you don't have gun crime at all? So I suppose it has to be an all or nothing deal for something like this? It's tricky. :( At the end of the day, I do think it would be better for the US to have similiar laws to the UK in this matter, but I totally know how much of an almost impossible task that would be to do safely ;_; But think of how many lives could be saved if it were somehow do-able...
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Moar differences:

US: Driver seat on the left, cars drive on the right side of the road.
UK: Driver seat on the right, cars drive on the left side of the road.
U wot m8?

Ahh...classic Series 7 episode "Stoke Me a Clipper".....what a guy!I discovered Red Dwarf back in the late 90's when the local PBS station would show several British comedies every Saturday night.Besides Red Dwarf,they had Chef!,The Vicar of Dibley,Mr.Bean and of course,Monty Python.I liked all of 'em.I think American humor is painted with broader strokes while British humor is more pointed and detailed.
yes thank you all for blatantly ignoring the hundreds of American Doctor Who/Sherlock/Downton Abbey/etc. fans who literally spam Tumblr with gifs on a daily basis. yes because clearly these shows aren't British enough to rattle our intelligence.

for the record, PBS airs tons of BBC program.
for the record, Netflix carries dozens of British programs that are re-released for American audiences.

hopefully my sass has been clearly conveyed across the ocean for people who still think Americans can't comprehend British programming.
Can you please move on from the ****ing slang thing. One person is not representative of an entire country.

Agreed. I'm sure there's also some American slang a lot of people in the UK aren't familiar with. Heck, I myself am not familiar with a lot of American slang, and I grew up in the US. It's a big country; different regions will have different slang terms. Knowing a different region's slang/colloquialisms does not make one better than someone who doesn't know them.

Back on topic:

Similar -- Both the Union Jack and the American flag are red, white, & blue.

Difference -- However, the colors symbolize different things on each flag. Also, the official pantone colors are slightly different for each flag. UK = red: 186C; blue: 280C. US = red: 193C; blue: 282C.
Here is another difference:

US: Very few civilizations before colonialization. Most people who owned the land before 1600 (aka, the Indians or Native Americans) remained uncivilized until the early 1900's.
UK: Several old civilizations before the Angles and the Saxons moved to the British Isles. London was a Roman city too. In AD 2043, it will be 2,000 years old.
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