Name: Micaiah "The Silver-Haired Maiden"
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Watcher or Watched: Watched
Power: Light magic, a move called 'Sacrifice' which allows her to revive a dead being. can foresee impending danger.
Weakness triggered by power: If she uses Sacrifice, she uses her life energy and she falls into a weak state and she could possibly die.
Personality: She's really shy and softspoken. She's extremely sensitive and gets her feelings hurt easily and she backs down in fights unless she really has to be brave.
Strengths (2): Really fast and flexible.
Flaws (3): Physically weak, hurt easily, comes off as unbrave
Other: She has that orange bird as a companion, named "Yune"
Isn't really a power, but she can sense what people feel in their hearts.