The Food Pic Thread

I eat healthy stuff every day! proof it's not all desserts all the time: ;)


Roasted asparagus, sweet potatoes, carrots, and beets seasoned with herbs from my garden and served on a bed of quinoa.


Banana and pecan muffins with fresh carrot/kale/apple juice and copious amounts of coffee.


Grilled asparagus, cherry tomatoes, and zucchini served with BBQ chickpeas with polenta. And avocado, because yum!
(asparagus overload I know...we got a ton in our CSA box)

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Now I feel like I've upset the balance and gotta post more sweets. Is anyone here from Ohio? These are my favorite macarons that I've had in a while from a bakery in Cincinnati.

And fruit, because that's considered healthy but is sooo delicious-especially in the summer!

Yummm, bull balls.
Okay seriously, I have no idea how they taste and while I said before I'd try any kind of meat this is too weird even for me.

And to stave off the disgust, here's something actually pleasant:


Biltong, a type of beef jerky made in South Africa. Beef jerky is often sweet whereas biltong is very salty and has various spices to give it more flavor. Very good stuff.
I have never seen brown cheese! Very interesting, what does it taste like?

And those...balls will haunt my food dreams for weeks. I can't even imagine the texture. Haha!
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I'm reallyyyy craving turkey slices like this with gravy :Q___
But its impossible to find turkey meat like this? All I ever see are chicken breast or chicken this chicken that.
I don't want to buy a full turkey either;; I don't like bone either. Turkey just tastes better imo. It's hard to find anything decently healthy at the grocery store, let alone not overpriced @-@
And those...balls will haunt my food dreams for weeks. I can't even imagine the texture. Haha!
It's funny because I posted it for shock factor (same with the snake and spiders pic, though that actually looked good to me), but during my search I ran across images like this one. I don't get weirded out by things that quickly anymore but this definitely made me wonder how crazy these people are.
I have never seen brown cheese! Very interesting, what does it taste like?

It's really good! It's sweet and a little chewy, and kinda tastes like caramel. It comes in different varieties, from milky and mild to strong. I prefer the light and sweet ones. The taste is unique, I just can't compare it to anything. I eat it often because it's just so yummy. :>
It's funny because I posted it for shock factor (same with the snake and spiders pic, though that actually looked good to me), but during my search I ran across images like this one. I don't get weirded out by things that quickly anymore but this definitely made me wonder how crazy these people are.

Okay, I'm not sure how to even tell-but those look raw! Hahah ew that's too much!

this was my delicious birthday cake a few months ago :Q___

It's so pretty! I wouldn't even want to cut into it! :blush:

It's really good! It's sweet and a little chewy, and kinda tastes like caramel. It comes in different varieties, from milky and mild to strong. I prefer the light and sweet ones. The taste is unique, I just can't compare it to anything. I eat it often because it's just so yummy. :>

Hmmm very interesting! We have a cheese shop here and I wonder if they carry anything like that. I will look for it next time I'm there!

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I've never heard of Candy Floss Frappe either. What's that like?

It's peach season here in the midwest. That means-pie!!!

A picture of the berry and meringue ice cream I made yesterday. It tastes yummy. :)
Do it! I'm actually curious whether they even have it outside of Scandinavia. I've only seen them in Norway and Sweden. Let me know what you think if you find it! It would be fun to have a foreigners opinion :p

Also.. anyone want sheep head for dinner today? This is a common national dish in western Norway, called smalahove. I've never had it, and I don't think I ever will either.. it looks horrendous, even though it's considered a delicacy.. yuck. Open picture at your own risk.

I can't cook to save my life, so I'll just post something delicious:
