the hourly music is god awful.

I am loving the soundtrack. It takes me back to the Gamecube version, and most of the tracks have more instrumental texture and development before looping than the tracks in New Leaf.
I muted my Switch since 5 PM is pretty bad IMO.. Really wish they'd asked if we wanted to stay with the tutorial music as that's nice and peaceful.
i wouldnt say its "god awful" but 5 am is the only music i really like. the rest are mehhh
I guess this is an unpopular opinion but I LOVE new horizons music. I wouldn't want a 2.0 version of the past games music and I think it fits the new generation of ac, plus after 7 years and 2000 hours of new leaf I got a little bit sick of the music haha
Original ac's music is iconic and will always be the best to me for nostalgic reasons, but new horizon's music is a close second!
I especially like one of the tracks earlier in the day because it reminds me a lot of one of the tracks from persona 5, and I'm a huge fan of that whole series. None of the music really bothers me!
I wholeheartedly agree with the previous commenters!

It's really nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be, and I think the criticism mainly comes from younger folks who grew up with New Leaf.

While WW will always be my fave soundtrack for it's memorable and nostalgic tunes, New Horizons is definitely up there as I feel like the instrumentalisation is more refined, mature and well thought out. It also perfectly fits the environment/deserted island vibe, and is overall better suited for the home console setting.

I honestly never liked the NL soundtrack much anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I wholeheartedly agree with the previous commenters!

It's really nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be, and I think the criticism mainly comes from younger folks who grew up with New Leaf.

While WW will always be my fave soundtrack for it's memorable and nostalgic tunes, New Horizons is definitely up there as I feel like the instrumentalisation is more refined, mature and well thought out. It also perfectly fits the environment/deserted island vibe, and is overall better suited for the home console setting.

I honestly never liked the NL soundtrack much anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You pretty much summed up exactly how I feel about it.
I love the hourly music, it’s a fresh change to the series because new leaf style of music would get bland if it was the same for another 8 years. I think this one is so cool
i really do like the tunes but i can see where people are coming from, the mood of ww/nl is so different. i'm less into the late night tracks and those times were always my favorite in older games
I don’t think it’s terrible, but I don’t like it for the atmospheric aspect of the game. I wish that they had gone with something less jazzy/towny in every song... and more soft nature and cute (strings & cute notes) like some past games. Especially since NH is supposed to bring us closer to nature and enjoying the “island”

Just a thought tho; This fan-made music can replace all of it, imo! Sounds just like new/true Animal Crossing
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Well I didn’t like the 3 AM music. It would’ve sounded better if no ducks were talking.
Honestly, not a huge fan of the 2 pm music. It's pretty okay, though. I think I still like a lot of the New Leaf music better? But I do enjoy the 5 am track quite a bit. 6 pm is nice too. :)
I really like the music. It has a lot of jazz and funk and lo fi to it compared to the classical tracks of New Leaf. Then again, my ears have been craving jazz and funk recently.

My favorite tracks are 5 PM, 1 AM, and 5 AM. After listening to the whole day to get a real sense of it, 5 AM really breaks my heart because it is the call back to New Leaf with a smooth early morning classical track. It is so different from the rest of the score and would be the best music to wake up to.

3 AM makes me grin because it starts getting weird. The music is kinda silly and really, unless you are a night bird, 3 AM is a silly/strange hour. Especially in western culture with 3 AM being the witching hour.
I'm with you. It sounds like cheesy smooth jazz for old people. I forget which hour but maybe the 6pm music ? Sounds really obnoxious and funky and it's hard to ignore. I prefer the New Leaf music by far. Hell, bring back the repetitive tutorial music. At least that sat in the background.
Hey OP - I feel your pain. I actually have a lengthy write up/post (here) about how bad (most) of the tracks are (to my ears, at least).

To sum it up, as others have mentioned, a lot of the tracks just have a mindless 'cool jazz' (90's genre) vibe to them that just doesn't fit the setting and the stunning visuals. A layered and more mysterious sound track for evening/overnight with smoother and more relaxing but happy day tracks would have paired well with the visuals, and this is what I was expecting.

Aside from most of the tracks sounding the same, there is that one instrument that is constant throughout most hourly songs, and it just pierces through my eardrums. It's just annoying and can be heard (as a standout) even at the lowest volume setting. I can't think of the name of it, an 'electric something-achord'. Had that instrument been replaced with something more pleasant sounding, the songs would've been fine. Not great, but tolerable.

Then there is that old-timey trumpet that is used in the theme song as well as in a few hourly tracks... It reminds me of the sound effects that you'd expect to hear when old, sad clowns walk into a scene in an old movie. I just don't get it?!

I know not everyone is moved by music the way others are, but when you put hours and hours into gameplay, the music (which cannot be disabled) is a big part of the experience. I wish more evening tracks sounded like 5am, and more day tracks sounded like 12pm.

I don't know if they used a new music team for this release, or there wasn't enough time to perfect a better soundtrack. Just thinking back to 10pm and 11pm in WW and 11pm in NL (to name a few as most of NL tracks were magical), just as examples, wow, those were amazing tracks that really just set the mood. Those beautiful French accordion sounds, or whatever they are, are missed. They are a staple in AC, but they are only in one track in NH.

Comparing the soundtracks from WW and NL to NH, you just have to wonder what they were thinking...
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There's some songs I absolutely cannot stand! But my main issue is that it's often so loud I can't hear what's going on! I can't hear the fish bobber or I can't hear a balloon floating by... I wish we had options for it (including to play music from older gameS)