the hourly music is god awful.

to each their own, in all honesty? i think, for me it's more like, considering that i've already poured quite some time into this game, i can't stand to hear certain tracks for the ounth time, over an over again, which is why i generally prefer playing after midnight - haven't heard those tracks as much as i have with all the others during the day.
I actually like most of the hourly music. These topics keep popping up but I don't relate really. To each their own :)
I haven't heard most of the hourly music. Probably just 7am-10pm lol I wake up at around 6am but don't play until I'm fully awake and I fall asleep sometimes before 10pm.

I honestly couldn't tell you what most of the hours sound like. I like 8am the most that I can remember. That one gets stuck in my head.

But gosh do I miss New Leaf 7pm
I honestly don't notice it much, but the hourly music is better than the basic music that you start with in the game :3 and 5 pm is a bop so ;)
I don't hate it but it's not my favorite either. I think it fits the theme the game is going for but I do prefer the more relaxing music some of the previous games had.
So far I like it! I was really unimpressed with NL's hourly music; the only tracks I liked were 8AM and 3PM (although those two were amazing), with most of the other late morning/early afternoon ones being too downbeat for my liking. I'm not a fan of the brass used in some of NH's, but in general I really like how they sound a lot happier! 8AM and 12PM are my favourites, and I really like how 4PM and 5PM don't feel like it's practically the end of the day, which is how I felt whenever those tracks played in NL.

Not sure whether I prefer it over WW/CF yet and maybe I just haven't heard NH's tracks enough to get sick of it, but so far I'm really liking it!
Wild World will never be beaten for me. But this new soundtrack is good. I like the morning to evening tracks, but the night to late night tracks really fall flat for me. Don't really like 11PM and I really don't like 3AM at all. I'll always miss 2am/3am from WW and 11pm and 1am from NL.

I have to say the day tracks in NL were not good for me though so they've sort of improved on those ones (2PM-4PM especially). The new 1PM and 2PM isn't fantastic but from 3PM onwards the tracks are great.

I'm glad this game is continuing the good evening tracks though, I've always loved playing at evening in AC and the music so well accompanies that, especially 6PM and 7PM.
Wild World will never be beaten for me. But this new soundtrack is good. I like the morning to evening tracks, but the night to late night tracks really fall flat for me. Don't really like 11PM and I really don't like 3AM at all. I'll always miss 2am/3am from WW and 11pm and 1am from NL.

I have to say the day tracks in NL were not good for me though so they've sort of improved on those ones (2PM-4PM especially). The new 1PM and 2PM isn't fantastic but from 3PM onwards the tracks are great.

I'm glad this game is continuing the good evening tracks though, I've always loved playing at evening in AC and the music so well accompanies that, especially 6PM and 7PM.

I found it!
The Wild World 8pm music.

It's the best of the series, IMO! :)

Ahh, memories!

I like it. No, it isn't like the music from New Leaf, but this isn't New Leaf. I'd be disappointed if they had simply ported that music over.
I found it!
The Wild World 8pm music.

It's the best of the series, IMO! :)

Ahh, memories!

Omg yes so much yes! This one was one of my favourites and actually my dad's favourite as well as he'd always whistle this because I played so much ACWW and ACCF and this is the only one he remembered (and 5PM from ACGC). So many memories. NL did 8PM justice as well but NH... not a fan of the 8PM, it sounds like a morning track. I think it could've been swapped with 11AM to retain a bit of that emotion.
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what? the new soundtrack is so good. funky & jazz driven just like the original population growing soundtrack, and it was scored like this deliberately. as a whole, the new leaf soundtrack is much closer to passive elevator music lol and further from the original game. imo there is nothing very gripping about the new leaf soundtrack. at best, I would describe it as very uhh... atmospheric. but I am just posting because I love the new soundtrack anyhow.
It reminds me of Persona music and it's just so heavenly good. I sometimes just standstill just to listen to it. So much better then the trainwreck that is NL's music haha

I've gotten Persona vibes from some of the tracks as well and I really love those ones! I did like New Leaf's music but overall I'm enjoying the music from this game more.

Sorry you're not into it though, OP.
Omg yes so much yes! This one was one of my favourites and actually my dad's favourite as well as he'd always whistle this because I played so much ACWW and ACCF and this is the only one he remembered (and 5PM from ACGC). So many memories. NL did 8PM justice as well but NH... not a fan of the 8PM, it sounds like a morning track. I think it could've been swapped with 11AM to retain a bit of that emotion.

My absolute favorite too! ^_^

- - - Post Merge - - -

Simply iconic.

I had that as my ringtone for years. :)
I kinda hated it at first, but its really grown on me. The 2PM track is my least favorite but everything else is pretty solid imo
2 AM and 5 AM are absolutely gorgeous. Sometimes I TT to those hours just so I can listen to that music while I fish. �� It's so relaxing...

I think most of the other hours range from OK to good, actually.

There are just a couple that have really weird horns/brass instruments that I hate. I think one is 3 AM and the other is 2 PM. The horns are really jarring and annoying; not soothing at all, like how I expect AC music to be. I mute the game during those hours and put on my own music from Youtube.
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