the hourly music is god awful.

Yeah I'm personally not a fan either. I wish there were sound settings to mute just the music. :'3
My favourite will always be New Leaf/City Folk, I'd love to have the option to listen to old soundtracks in-game.
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It's clear that people are going to have different opinions on all kinds of music, and the composers certainly can't please everyone. Do we know if Kazumi Totaka is still working on the soundtrack for this one? I've seen a few videos listing composers for the game and he isn't included, but I'm not sure if that's right.

Anyway, I totally disagree and I think the soundtrack sounds really good. Animal Crossing soundtrack has always been consistantly 'good', but I think there are more standout tracks here than in the rest of the series. We're actually getting proper instruments instead of a small section of a midi, and I personally love the upbeat Jazz sound. You also have the calmer tracks as you get into the night - 7PM for example just screams 'winding down' to me.. and have you heard 1AM and 2AM?
I'll be honest, New Leaf is still my favorite. While I don't mind New Horizons music (some songs better than others), it's nowhere near as good as NL in my opinion. 5 pm NL while always be my top favorite. It made me want to run around my town while the sun sets just because. Now, while I see what they're going for, it sounds a bit generic to me.

This is just opinion though, and as always like to give a benefit of a doubt; nothing wrong with trying new things. I just miss NL OST.
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I miss 8 PM from New Leaf but the New 6 PM music is very soothing and I love coming home to that music.

But otherwise I dont really mind the music as much anymore. It still will take some time to get used to it. Though, while the music itself isnt too bad, I think most of the daytime music lacks the variety New Leaf had. they all sound very similar to each other.
New leaf is definitely more personal to me. I haven’t connected with new horizons music yet. Certain nostalgia when I hear new leaf but nothing with new horizons. Hopefully it changes!
i'm trying not to complain about anything in the game yet, because it hasn't been out for that long and i am loving everything so far, but yeah, i am not a fan of the new music. a lot of it is really obnoxious imo. i haven't heard the overnight stuff yet, so maybe that is chiller and better!

- - - Post Merge - - -

p.s. wild world has the best music
Personally really liking the hourly music. Some real bangers in there.
it'd be dope if they gave us the option to adjust the volume of the music and SFX
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I really like the New Horizons soundtrack. I agree I'm not crazy about 2pm, but I look more of the later afternoon tunes, especially 6pm. Love the accordion.

Wild World will always be my favorite. Is it because of nostalgia? Probably, but the soundtrack was iconic.
I like 2PM and 5PM (from what I've been able to play), but yeah. The others mostly blow.
I agree. There's a few that are good, like 5pm, but overall, they're ridiculously repetitive, uninspired, and they lack variety of tones and instruments.

When compared to New Leaf's OST, New Horizons's is
pretty bad.
3AM Theme is really wacky but I don't hate it. Everything else is either forgetable or I really like. Personal favorites are 5AM(!), 7AM, 8AM, 11AM, 12PM, 5PM(!), 6PM, and 7PM.
Opinions are definitely subjective, but I think that saying that it doesn't sound like Animal Crossing is very incorrect as it does sound a lot like the gamecube version.
I haven't heard all of them yet but I like the ones i've heard so far. I'm mainly just glad to have some variety now, I got so sick of the tutorial music
i love how this thread is now on its 8th page.... their music choices for new horizons really are, well.... a choice

some of them are growing on me. but mostly night time music. and dead hours.

i came back here though because i finally heard 3am after farming last night and i have no words.
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It hasn’t hit me like the other games. They were certainly more experimental. I think GameCube had the best music.