the hourly music is god awful.

There are some songs I like much more than others, but overall I like it much better than New Leaf. I wish I played later into the night since those are my favourite tracks so far.
I personally love it. The only track I don't like very much is 8:00 am. Other than that, I think it's perfect. I prefer jazzy over the music in NL. I think GCN and WW have the best OST of the entire series, but NH is very much close to those. I also like how many tracks remind me of the original AC.
It's great in the afternoon, alright in the morning, but the evening and night tracks don't really live up to the rest of the games in the series aside from 3am, and 5am. Like yeah 3am is wackadoodle but it's a callback to gamecube's 2am I think.

5am, 12pm, and 5pm are the standouts on the soundtrack I think which is a lower count of standouts than previous titles. 12am, 1am, 3am, 7am, and 7pm are solid. I'll probably come back to this and feel differently though.
I personally love the new music, it's so full of life and way more diverse than new leaf in my opinion.

I think New Horizons is more funk/blues based than jazz actually. I mean 5pm in New leaf was basically a jazzy bossa nova.

1 am in NH always gets me in that cozy after party vibe, the track is truly perfect for late night fishing. And I mean 5 pm, cmon it slaps!!
I quite like what I've heard so far, haven't heard too much of the daytime music as I'm working full time, but I like the evening songs - 6PM especially
I think most of the music is ok but what is bothering me are the rainy versions (or the lack thereof). I had more rainy than sunny days in NH so far (northern hemisphere) and the normal background music is really not fitting when it rains. I don't know why they removed rainy versions of the hourly music for this game. If those are supposed to be rainy versions of the normal hourly tracks, they really can't be distinguished and don't fit the rainy theme.
I think most of the music is ok but what is bothering me are the rainy versions (or the lack thereof). I had more rainy than sunny days in NH so far (northern hemisphere) and the normal background music is really not fitting when it rains. I don't know why they removed rainy versions of the hourly music for this game. If those are supposed to be rainy versions of the normal hourly tracks, they really can't be distinguished and don't fit the rainy theme.

I haven't had much rain at all, but from what I can tell there is a difference between the tracks. I usually play between 8 PM to 10 PM, so I am quite familiar with those tracks, and they definitely sound different on this 'rainy' playlist.

EDIT: And what's with these hyperbolic titles? God awful? This whole COVID-19 crisis is god awful. You might not like it, but such a title doesn't really invite me to participate in any discussion. :p
I haven't had much rain at all, but from what I can tell there is a difference between the tracks. I usually play between 8 PM to 10 PM, so I am quite familiar with those tracks, and they definitely sound different on this 'rainy' playlist.

Hmm, that's weird. I had a few tracks in my head that really didn't fit the rain, but I can't find them in that playlist. I did hear the difference in the playlist though. I might have to listen to it again once it rains again, thanks for the link.
I'm with the OP here --- the new music for me is a disconnect to the game, it forces me to be conscious of it for some reason. Conscious not in a good way, but more of a distracting way. Though, to each their own.
Here are my top 7. These ones are surely not god awful.
