The "I learned something new today!" Thread

I’m only just now learning that you can watch an entire forum to get notified whenever a new thread is made.
As a Shih Tzu owner, I have to say, this is a perfect name for one.
At one point, England was ruled by a 10-year-old king... Richard II. He ascended to the throne in 1377 and was deposed in 1399 when he was about 32 years old. Thank goodness I didn't exist then. I can't imagine living in a country where a kid is responsible for his people...
I was watching/listening to a YouTuber discuss how she used to be a dog groomer. She said in Indiana, you don’t need a license to become a dog groomer, but she took classes for it anyway.

I’m not going to be a dog groomer (though I considered it before,) but I began wondering where you need a license to groom dogs in the US. As it turns out, NO states require dog groomers to have a license. Anyone can pass themselves off as a groomer, which is weird. New Jersey considered requiring groomers to have licenses, but I don’t think anything came of it.
Yesterday, I saw this big giant fly with pretty wings and I assumed it was something that could bite because of its size. It buzzed around me the first couple of times of me walking past it but then it seemed to have left me alone the rest of the time. I ended up finding a second one and I thought oh no they are gonna breed and we'll have more of them. I decided to try to find out more about it online. It turns out it is a Tiger Bee Fly. They don't bite or sting, but they do eat carpenter bees. Carpenter bees is a problem here. Some neighbors have a ton of them. So I'm glad that these flys showed up and I'm glad to know they are harmless to people.
Apparently, the track that plays in Melty Molten Galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy is called Hell Prominence. It’s kind of jarring to see a Mario game use the word hell.
Not today, but yesterday I saw some flightless fruit flies near the crickets at Petco. First of all, I didn’t know this tongue twister of a bug existed, and second— they’re food for frogs, chameleons, spiders, and even some fish.

I remember feeding my neighbor’s lizard while he was on vacation, and it mostly ate crickets and mealworms. It’s crazy to think he got the said lizard on Craigslist…a method I don’t think most people find pets anymore lol.

But anyway, these fruit flies were in an ice-cream looking container. It was easy to overlook them due to how loud the crickets were…but they exist. Somehow.
meowth’s original va, maddie blaustein, was a trans woman! she died in 2008 due to an acute stomach disease. i only found out while poking around about rachael lillis (misty and jessie’s original va) today. rip to the both of them :[ 💖
Still shocked about Rachael Lillis’ passing. Rewatching that clip of Misty saying goodbye to Ash and Brock hits differently now. 😢 She had the perfect voices for Misty, Jessie, and Jigglypuff! I remember being surprised they had the same voice actress.
There’s also a video of Maddie singing “Bohemian Rhapsody” as Meowth.
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In Ancient Greece, it was the horse’s owner, not the rider, who won medals for equestrian sports at the Olympics. The first woman to win at the Olympic Games was a Spartan princess, Cynisca. Cynisca owned horses that were used in chariot sports, and thus won that way. (Her name also means “female puppy” lol.)

Now that I think about it, it’s similar to how racehorse owners get all the praise at the Kentucky Derby rather than the trainers or jockeys.
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Hellooo! 👋🎲 Would anyone like to hear a story? Come sit 'round ol' Daniel, it's story time, yaaaay! Or as some might say, "yayaya!" 😁 Today I learned that August 17 issss.... 📆🔍🎲 National I Love My Fe- uhh, 😳 I Love My Feline Day! You know, today is National Black Cat Appreciation Day! Aren't kittens just the cuuutest? I looove when they purr and they scrunch and paw at their... what's it called, a scrunching post? That's what we call it anyway, LOL. 😂 Anyway, in celebration of kittens and tigers, uh... because they're cats too, right? 🐯 I wrote a little story/poem for us aaall to hear. 🤭 So open ALL teh windows and come on and have a seat on the floor and -oh! What's this on my lap? ❗🎲 Why, it's a purring kitten, awww. 🐱 Do you wanna hear the story too? 🐈🎲 Aw, she's fallen asleep! How cute. 🐱💋🎲 I can see a little pink thought bubble above her head. She must be dreaming. Let me see... 🐱💭🔍🎲 ........ Uh, where was I??? 😳 Oh yeah! Story tiiiime! 💁‍♀️ This one's about my fiiiiive favorite princesses. 👸 Well, technically there's 11, but I whatever.

Once upon a time,
there were five little princesses
and they sat in a line
looking cute, just for emphasis.

They were having their lunch,
on a picnic one day,
when the tiniest scrunched
and the princess would say:

"I hear a sound,
I think someone's near!"
They stomped to the ground
and curled up in fear.

"I hear a growl.."
Said the littlest one.
Tiger on the prowl,
there's nowhere to run!

Out came a paw
and the big princess squealed!
Tiger lips gnaw
and the next princess reeled.

Princess in the middle,
she tightened and wiggled.
Tiger lips tickle
and the fourth princess giggled.

"This tiger's tame,
he just wants to snuggle!"
Tiny princess came
to the tiger to cuddle.

The other four princesses
pouted a HMPH!
They're all full of jealousness,
they're spoiled brats too.

They aaall pet the tiger
and got aaall the attention.
They aaall scrunched him tighter
getting aaall the affection.
The life of Mrs. Pack, the wet nurse to William, Duke of Gloucester. (Queen Anne’s son) Personally I didn’t know gigantic was a word back then, much less that it was used to describe a woman’s breasts.

She died when the Duke was five, and when asked if he felt sad about her death, he told his aunt, “No, ma’am.” I wonder why….
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Today I learned that the Philippines use pesos. I was playing a video game where a character was using pesos and O looked up the list of countries that use that currency and found the Philippines on it. Then I looked the game up and found it is indeed set in the Philippines.
A couple years ago, I made moodboards for some of the fortune cookies in ACPC. I tried to find a pic of the real animals the villagers were based on for each one.
I was looking for images for Tasha, and thought “too bad there’s no black and white squirrels.” I was wrong!! Meet the Fox Squirrel :^D looks like they come in several varieties.

I discovered today that if you're not logged into The Bell Tree that the banner sunset/sunrise will be in sync with Fair Time! I wondered why the banner was at the night mode at 12 noon, then I realised for some reason I was logged out so it would be in EDT!
A snail that was thought to be dead was glued to an index card at the British Museum in 1846. In 1850, it was discovered to be alive. (Kind of miserably) But…how did it survive? Do snails have some survival abilities I don’t know about? 🤔