The idea of seasonal DIY's being in Balloon Gifts only is bad

Completely agree. The fall DIYs started appearing in September, but by mid-November I still had only 3 or 4, and not for the lack of balloons (although they took way longer to spawn than before). Every day I'd be able to pop 2 or 3, but they'd never give me seasonal DIYs, and the very few instances I did get one, it would be the ONLY one or two I'd gotten before, so I gave up and bought every DIY I was missing on TBT, as well as all mushroom DIYs that I wouldn't even bother with because if I hadn't been able to get every fall DIY in almost three months, I wouldn't be able to get the mushroom DIYs in 10 days lol.

I'm definitely not looking forward to the winter DIYs, as the method will be the same and I have other real-life matters to attend to. Also, I hope the only space I haven't decorated can get snowballs to spawn, because otherwise I'll have to tear everything down to make room, which I wouldn't be happy about.
Yeah I feel that. I never had trouble getting seasonal DIYs until mushroom and maple season. I wonder if they decreased the spawn rates or something because I too had to buy them off people online after spending too many hours trying to farm balloons.
Yeah, it kinda sucks.
I mean I have gotten a couple from villagers right when you could start getting much room ones. None in the bottles. Any other ones have been all from balloons. There is still some I need. Seems to take forever. I keep leaving my switch on while I am doing other stuff and hope I will just notice them. Because it seems like the only way I get them is if I am pretty much playing the game all day .

I love Animal Crossing but some things to make me think; Do they think I can just play Animal Crossing all day everyday.
I wish.
Agreed. It’s so time consuming having to look for them, especially when not every balloon has one in it. Plus, not everyone has the time to look for them and it makes it even harder when balloons come every five minutes. So technically you only get about 12 balloons an hour.
I dont know... I never had issues finding all of the recipes from any season and I never sat around all day balloon hunting either. The most I've done is dedicate one or two hours on occasion to popping balloons but I dont have time to sit there all day every day doing this.

All I can figure is I am extremely and uncharacteristically lucky with these, and this is a case of a lot of people wanting things immediately without having to put much effort into getting them so when they dont get every single diy in one day, they call it a bad system and storm off to buy them all instead.

I can sympathize with the people who actually do put hours and hours of effort every day into balloon hunting for these diys and still come up with only 1 or 2 diys after a whole month of effort but that still seems so statistically rare to occur... even with that 15% chance of a recipe to appear in each balloon. When you consider balloons typically spawn every 5-10 minutes, even popping every balloon to spawn each hour should give you a good chance of a recipe or two.

Maybe this comes from my history of playing games where things had sometimes even a .1% drop rate and I still had a blast hunting for those items, so for me 15% is like a giveaway.
By the way, we are going to pop a lot of balloons this December. I decided not to bother with it really. :cautious:
I dont know... I never had issues finding all of the recipes from any season and I never sat around all day balloon hunting either. The most I've done is dedicate one or two hours on occasion to popping balloons but I dont have time to sit there all day every day doing this.

All I can figure is I am extremely and uncharacteristically lucky with these, and this is a case of a lot of people wanting things immediately without having to put much effort into getting them so when they dont get every single diy in one day, they call it a bad system and storm off to buy them all instead.

I can sympathize with the people who actually do put hours and hours of effort every day into balloon hunting for these diys and still come up with only 1 or 2 diys after a whole month of effort but that still seems so statistically rare to occur... even with that 15% chance of a recipe to appear in each balloon. When you consider balloons typically spawn every 5-10 minutes, even popping every balloon to spawn each hour should give you a good chance of a recipe or two.

Maybe this comes from my history of playing games where things had sometimes even a .1% drop rate and I still had a blast hunting for those items, so for me 15% is like a giveaway.
This is my experience too? Sometimes I really feel like the RNG is favourable when you just play
idk I have wayyyy too many DIYs for it to just be a consistent 15% drop rate
when I terraform I usually see like 1 or 2 balloons an hour float directly over me and 70% of the time it’s a new diy
Agreed. It's just a ploy to get people to play more throughout the day.
Its difficult to catch DIYs from ballons
It was hard for me in maple season
I worried about winter lol
It's among the first tasks I tackled in game, besides collecting every color variation of every furniture, as that too can be a nightmare for its own reasons. Sure I had to pay a couple of hundred NMT to get, and hunt down recipes selling for less than 200 NMT, which was a challenge in itself, but I can now enjoy the month of December stress free and only focus on decorating, fishing/bug catching and Toy Day, which I have no problem with, since they're my favorite pass time activities when I actually play the game. :)

I also had a breaking point about a week or so in with the furniture and about a month or so with DIY recipes.
I didn't have motivation to play much this November aside from Turkey Day. I time traveled back to keep collecting the DIYs and am currently suffering for it :')
I agree that it is too hard- getting all of the cherry blossom DIYs wasn't nearly as painful for me. I'm struggling to get only the select ones I really liked. Villagers should definitely be teaching seasonal DIYs like for Halloween...
ik!!! why cant the villagers craft the seasonal diys like they did with the spooky diys??? and why cant we get them from messages in bottles!!!
I really hope Christmas DIYs won't be this hard to obtain because I want everything.

They will be. I TT'd to Dec 15 and just spent an entire hour and a half popping balloons on the beach. I found 0 Festive DIYS, and when I finally gave up, I found a frozen (Snowboy) DIY.

I don't TT normally, but dang, I'd like to have my town decorated before December is already over.
They will be. I TT'd to Dec 15 and just spent an entire hour and a half popping balloons on the beach. I found 0 Festive DIYS, and when I finally gave up, I found a frozen (Snowboy) DIY.

I don't TT normally, but dang, I'd like to have my town decorated before December is already over.
Oh nooooooo 😭
This isn't making me exited to play :( I don't know what the devs were thinking.
I managed to get all the fall diy's, but it was a grind and quite boring...I hope they made some changes (bottles or villagers as others said) so it's more fun/easy. 😥
I wouldn't [personally] mind the balloon only thing if the rates were better. As it is balloon farming is a slog and we shouldn't have to resort to farming to get these.
I've been struggling since this game launched to get the seasonal DIY's. I don't know if it's because I'm more of a casual player and I don't spend that long on the game each day but it seems like none of the balloons I pop ever have DIY's. I always end up with 5,000 bells or random crafting materials. I honestly wish we could just buy the items in the store or something.
I’ve had relatively good luck with seasonal DIYs, since I pop balloons often during terraforming. Also, I think I read somewhere that the chances of you getting a DIY drops after popping 10 balloons a day or something along that line. So I’m not sure if that’s Nintendo’s intent, but based on this theory, it’s not possible to collect all seasonal DIYs in one day.

that said I do agree the method of getting the seasonal DIYs could be diversified...halloween recipes were significantly easier to obtain than the maple/mushroom DIYs
Trying to find the diys only through the balloons is so annoying. For the spring diys my mum literally farmed the balloons to get the diys. I liked what they did in Halloween where you could get them from villagers, balloons and finally jack or even harvest day. I love how I could just buy the diys instead of having to do the whole event. Made life so much easier. I honestly wish Nintendo would do that with the seasonal diys. Like you could buy them from nooks after the season