Name : Chi
Gender : Female
Appearance : Female. Choppy, short black hair. Small almond eyes, sparse eyebrows.
Personality : Tough tomboy. Charming and sweet at times.
Flaws : She can get too aggressive sometimes. Over-competitive.
Talents: Good at fist-fights. Will always stand up for her friends and what she believes in.
Age : 15
Other: Orphan.
"I know I was wrong to have sex with Sonia. I understand that. But I think that if I can get over you killing my brother, I think you can get over this one slip-up. Why do you even care who I have sex with, anyway?" ****, did she actually like me? Goddamnit.
"Well, Asher, I guess I broke her heart, just like you said, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm in love with her. So I guess it's your turn to swoop in to comfort her and steal her away, just like you said you would." I scowl at Asher menacingly.
I sigh. "Look, Teddy, I'm not going to sugarcoat this but you really are an idiot. I already know that things will never work out between us. At this point, I just want her to be happy. I don't want to see her get hurt."
I glance at Faye. "I wasn't aware of what happened. I don't know too much so I'm sorry I wasn't the first one there for you."
I glance back to Teddy. "If you're here now, I guess that means you somewhat care... it really is up to her though." I shrug. "Good luck." I start to walk away, intending to get off the ship.