The Level Thread

just hit 100! i?ve been playing since about mid-summer. have never used real money.
At the moment Level 34, almost 35. Never came that far in this game, as in my first attempt playing it, I only reached Level 22 before I deleted the game because of lack of interest
i'm level 8 right now but honestly i don't play that much, i prefer the actual games. i'm not a fan of the whole leaf ticket thing and i think not living in a house with your villagers nearby with the stores and harder fishing etc just destroys the whole animal crossing flair :)
Level 134. It takes me so long to level up now because I can't be bothered to interact with any villagers except the ones in my campsite.
Level 137! I still don't understand how people have reached such high levels, although I guess if I forced snacks on all the villagers I've unlocked I'd get there eventually.
Level 114

Hi, I'm at level 114. I've been playing for I think about 6 months. I've seen many people ask how others have leveled up so quickly. I don't buy anything with real money but play a couple times a day on my phone. I realized a while after being stuck at one level that if I continued to build all the different types of campsite amenities that my villagers didn't have a chance to sit idol in a locked state and of course the more they level up the more you level up.
i hit 190 today! i'll probably get to 200 pretty quick thanks to all the new villager maps i have (and all the candy i've been hoarding)
I just hit level 80, I've been playing since the early release days but I've gotten frustrated and uninstalled the app several times lol.
I reinstalled it when they made it compatible with Android 10. Just had it for about 8 weeks and I hit level 91 today.

Keeping it until NH comes out, as it's the only game I have.
109 lol

Been playing on and off since release. Levels past...50 (I think) become less satisfying because you get the same bonus.
last time i posted on here i was level 48, but i just recently reached level 102! :)