The MCU Thread


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
The thread for all things MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe).

For starters, what are your thoughts on the Endgame trailer. I think it revealed just enough without revealing too much. It's looking good.

What are you thoughts and hopes for Captain Marvel? Are you excited or are your expectations lower?

What are your hopes for Spider-Man: Far From Home?

What some heroes or villains you would like to see in the future?
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Captain Marvel comes from lore over moviegoers' heads so they're risking the justice league situation, and i don't know i'm sold on the casting only because i visualize her portrayal a little more serious. it's also going to be a challenge to nail the kree because they've sort of written them with an info dump, especially if they throw kree-skull war stuff out there. ...i'd like to see a fantastic 4 or inhuman easter egg, though.

spider-man i hope they commit more to the ultimate spidey style direction because earth-616 style spidey is a bit too much camp. after all the mcu avengers have more in common with the ultimates than the mainline comics' avengers anyway. i hope there is more to the movie than mysterio. i mean, would have preferred the jackal or something.

i want to see solo hulk moves that dig into his mythos. a better abomination, the leader, ross going red hulk, his avengers heel turn as gray hulk, anything. also would like disney to revive the fantastic 4 so the fox incarnations are forgotten about, because villains like kang the conquerer or galactus would be great. also a good successor to loki's character could be introducing the enchantress.
captain marvel looks good i'll watch that one but idk i havent seen any of the spiderman movies yet,

i want to see solo hulk moves that dig into his mythos. a better abomination, the leader, ross going red hulk, his avengers heel turn as gray hulk, anything. also would like disney to revive the fantastic 4 so the fox incarnations are forgotten about, because villains like kang the conquerer or galactus would be great. also a good successor to loki's character could be introducing the enchantress.

also this ^
I'm curious about it; I'm half expecting for all the happened in the previous movie to be reversed so I'm not too interested in seeing it right away. As for the other movies; I just don't know.
Marvel movies are fodder for me so I can't really get invested.
I don't read the comics either, so I don't know what to expect in terms of heroes or villains.
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I'm curious about it; I'm half expecting for all the happened in the previous movie to be reversed so I'm not too interested in seeing it right away. As for the other movies; I just don't know.
Marvel movies are fodder for me so I can't really get invested.
I don't read the comic either, so I don't know what to expect in terms of heroes or villains.

Spoilers: They will be.

Black Panther got snapped, of course he's coming back
I'm excited for Captain Marvel! can't wait to see how she comes into play in Endgame.

I am worried though that the solution to the snap is time travel or alternate universes: Like winding back the clock so it never happens. I hate plotlines like this when they undo years of character building and meaning for some cheap 'it never happened in the first place' thing.

I think antman will be big though (har-har) how did he make it out of the quantum realm anyways? The quantum realm is probably the solution-whatever that is.

I've already accepted that Steve and Tony are goners. But if they hurt Thor.......................I will be VERY unwell.


I can't freaking wait for Loki's miniseries!!!!!! I'm buying Disney's streaming service just for that.
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