The Mental Health Clinic

This year has been full of ups and downs for me. Breaking my leg was devastating for me, I got pretty depressed since I was so...isolated. Being stuck at home, losing my independence, and not being able to work much was horrible. I don't think I ever really recovered from that.

A couple months ago my anxiety got pretty bad again. I was getting super stressed out with work (and still am sometimes). I've become an unofficial project manager, which has been great for my career development but not so great for my mental health. I would go home still thinking of work, thinking of stuff that needs to be done, worry about the next day, and ruminate on the day that had gone.

It's been better as I've increased my dose of medication. I'm also trying counseling again as I feel like I have deeper issues that medication won't fix. Problem is that now I actually feel a lot better, I've shunned away and forgotten about the negative thoughts I was having and wanting to address. My memory is horrific; I don't remember anything unless I write it down. Even then I sometimes still forget. Hopefully by writing and sharing this, I'll remember to address some things in my first counseling session!