My current reads :
Amazonevan19 -
slight scum lean now. The way they've been continually referring to my posts as scummy etc but haven't asked me any questions or otherwise interacted with me - despite apparently feeling strongly enough about their read to want my lynch is concerning to me. Idc about being scum read, particularly when I can see the rationale, but I'm finding it difficult to see the motivation for Town!Evan behind their push on me. Their push on Seroja was direct and, frankly, clumsily done - I read them as Town during that whole saga. Those are the main things I've noticed involving them so far, and the TR from the latter is currently outweighed only slightly by how puzzling their approach to reading me has been (and yes, I'm aware I could be over-reacting, hence I'm putting this info here so people can tell me if they think I'm way off base or missing something, etc).
Vampnessa -
Watcher one of the best Town contributors, gone too soon dammit

PunchyDaHufflepuff -
Town more now than ever. I wavered slightly reading a couple of their posts from EoD 1 in ISO, but, in context, they make sense for Town!Punchy given the situation and the stress they'd be under with being so close to being lynched. My read was further consolidated by their conduct after the Night phase.. with Town being at a clear disadvantage now, their alternate resignation to being MLd (in order to gain info for Town) vs random inclination to fight to stay alive (and therefore keep Town numbers up, and hopefully find actual Mafia) makes sense to me. I would like to see more Pro-Town content from them before EoD, regardless of who is lynched though.
Toadsworthy -
slight Town Lean. Possibly should be just a Town Lean rather than "slightly" as I just do not think he'd be able to be so (relatively) calm if he was Mafia!Toads. My only concern is that I've not seen him as actively trying to find Mafia as I would expect from Town!Toads - this could be explained by RL stuff, but he's not one of my top Town Reads for now.
Farobi -
slight Town Lean now. The initial posts of their's with Runeraider had me wondering if they might both be Mafia as there were a couple of things that struck me as odd/not quite Town at the time. Runeraider flipping Town doesn't mean Farobi is also Town, but I would have expected Mafia!Farobi to try and minimise their random (and frankly suspicious) mention of 3rd Party in post # 11 by claiming they'd only been commenting on the flavour text Ness had just put up, or they'd just re-read their win/con or something. Instead, they explained a line of thinking in post # 47 that both made sense and seemed like a natural progression of Town!Farobi trying to figure things out. I'm wary of the repeated comments I've seen that quite Farobi = scummy Farobi, but for now I'm not seeing anything them as anything other than Town.
Amanda1983 -
Locket -
slight Town Lean what I've seen from them has been fine, including their defence of their reads which in context just seemed like they were self-conscious their reads were not as detailed/fully fleshed out as those from some other players. I would like to see more from so I can get a better read.
Antonio -
Town. If this wasn't their first game they'd have dropped right down to a 'slight scumlean' as a result of some of their more random posts. That said, the actual content that deals with the game itself still screams 'new Town player' in a way that would be remarkable to imitate, and I can see their logic behind their reads in post # 784. It's not great logic, but it absolutely makes sense for a new player and is an impressive contribution from them.
Biancasbotque -
null. I keep going back and forth on this one. On the one hand, there have been some posts that a Mafia player, particularly one who is already seen as random in general, wouldn't necessarily bother to post. But I haven't seen anything that specifically raises a red flag. I just don't know how to assess them at this point. I would like to see more from them so I can get a better read.
Seroja -
Town. She caught the slip from glow, and whilst it could be argued that Mafia!Seroja might have spotted that and played it out the same way, I think that's not realistically a possibility. Everything from her reads Town, and if she's somehow not then.. well, GG Seroja coz Mafia will win for sure in that case

glow -
Lyncher. Damn she's good.

Runeraider -
Doctor. What happened? Could he not protect himself??

Dedenne2 -
null. Nothing has been wrong with their content, in fact I liked their reads in particular. But I need to see more from them so I can make a better read.
PandaDarling -
null. I know you're super-busy, but if you're Town, we need you! If your Mafia.. could you maybe just tell us? Please??
ITookYourWaffles -
- - - Post Merge - - -
Evan could be working with Panda and bussing her in post # 815 but I don't know why he'd feel a need to as Mafia at this point.. hmm.