The Name of Your First Town?

My first town was called Legoland on the GC. xP I'll be celebrating having it for 10 years this September! =D

My favourite town names would be Iodide on CF and my current town Frosting.
Worst name would be Ghaurr! for my first CF town. I'd been map resetting for a very long time and got pee'd off and then had an amazing map come up for that awful name. I put up with it for a long while though.
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The first town I had I named "dallas", because I had just taken a trip to Dallas a few weeks prior.
My first town was my Wildworld town which I named Pallet like in Pokemon. As a nine year old I was pretty proud of myself for thinking of that name. Not so much now though...
The first town name I ever made for animal crossing was Dazztown. I still have it but its not my new leaf hahah.
Townton on GC... :p I had made it sort of a tradition to name all my towns Townton after that, in every game, and only recently I reset my NL town and named it Seawalk.
My "first" town is my only town. I just got into the game a few months ago and im 32 lol. Havent put it down since. My town is (and any new town i get) is named Galifray. And yes i also know that i mispelled it..... Future towns will be corrected. :p