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The Obligatory Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Thread

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It's super effective?
May 8, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Pear (Fruit)
Because yes.

As a quick rundown of what the MBTI is, it's a psychological test that attempts to classify individual personalities in terms of four cognitive functions -- sensing, thinking, feeling, and intuition, each of which have extroverted (focused on the outside world) and introverted (focused towards yourself) variations. Depending on one's preferences for each of the resulting eight types of cognitive functions, a person is assigned to one of 16 personality types of the following form:


Where W = E or I for Extroversion or Introversion, X = S or N for Sensing or Intuition, Y = T or F for Thinking or Feeling, and J or P for Judging or Perceiving

The Judging or Perceiving question is partly a question of how organized you tend to be. If you like to be more structured about things and not leave any potential loose ends, you're probably Judging. Conversely, if you're a little more flexible about your plans and like to keep your options open, you're probably Perceiving. There does seem to be more to it than that, but it's kind of complicated and I don't fully understand it myself.

For the sake of simplicity, I won't go into any further detail than that.
If you're interested in the theory behind the MBTI, please consult Dr. Google. :cool:

Anyway, here's a website with decent descriptions of all 16 types for reference:

And a free online version of the actual test may be found here:

I've taken various MBTI tests over the years just out of sheer boredom (including the one I have linked above) and I've consistently scored as an INFJ. I suspect I may be more along the lines of INXJ (the X simply means that my preference for thinking vs feeling is minimal or nonexistent) due to my love of all things math and logic, but I could just be overthinking things. I tend to do that a lot... xD
I think this would be more suited for the Cafe than the Basement.

Oh yeah, you're right. This was kind of a spur of the moment idea so I didn't really think about where to put it too much. I'm still kind of new here, so thanks for the tip. :)
I made a thread for this a little while ago that had a lot of responses. You could either bump that one or use this one. http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?251925-What-is-your-Personality-Type&highlight=

As for mine, I test as an INTP although it's possible I'm either ENTP or my rear functions are just developed really well. I'm not sure if you look at Jungian functions but they're essential in my opinion.

Yeah, I was going to go ahead and get a mod to move this to the Cafe. As for Jungian functions, I do know of them, I just didn't go into a whole lot of detail about them because I didn't want people to get bogged down in it. This was just meant to be a fun little time-killer thread after all.
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Yeah, I was going to go ahead and get a mod to move this to the Cafe. As for Jungian functions, I do know of them, I just didn't go into a whole lot of detail about them because I didn't want people to get bogged down in it. This was just meant to be a fun little time-killer thread after all.

The thing about the functions is that they really determine what is what over types. Because an INTP and an INFP have two completely different leading functions. ISTP and INTP only have their middle functions switched around. It kinda goes to show that testing for types is quite flawed.
I always get ESFP. I find that it suits me pretty well!

I've taken SO many of these tests several times over the course of half a year. I find these very fascinating to study about.
Maybe you should close this thread and make a new one with a poll.

Anyways, I'm an ENFP
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