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The Official Alcohol Thread

What's your drink of choice?

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Occasionally I'll have have a gin and tonic w/ extra citrus. Its my non-beer drink of choice.

I love margaritas, but they have to be good. Like everything homemade. No mixers. This is a special occasion drink for me.

I can't really drink wine anymore, bc it hurts my stomach but if I do it has to be a deep red. I hate vodka bc it made me sick on my 21st bday. I can still do a shot once in awhile, especially when I'm adverturous, but in general I try to stay away from it.

I really just love beer and prefer it over anything else.
Yeah beer and whisky is the best. needs to be strong beer though.

red/white wine is more of a food drink for me not to get drunk off
I like them all haha. Though my stock of vodka is the only one I need to refill.
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I'm not a fan of beer or rum but at a certain point I'd probably drink anything.

I agree wine goes really well with food, and I guess I like it so much because I'm always f***ing eating, but yea.

Wine and straight vodka, but sometimes I like to mix it as well.
this is my favorite commercial ever. me and my friends always ****ing joke about it.

but only because I drink a ton of crappy beer along with all my fancy microbrews and whatnot
Crown & Liquid Ice is the best drink EVER.
I can't have caffeine anymore though so I switched to Malibu & 7-Up.
I just don't like Crown mixed with anything that isn't caffeinated.
I'm a martini girl. But a classic martini - gin, a little vermouth, garnish with an olive. I'm not really much of a fan of the trendy flavors people mix up.

I like an occasional glass of wine, too. Reisling or Pinot Grigio is very good for white, and for reds I usually have a nice Chianti or Moscato, if I want something a little sweeter.
Not much for drinks but I don't say no to gin and stuff

Vodka I prefer on the own :3
I enjoy most drinks. Have a special place for Vodka and Rum though
I can't/shouldn't drink (meds, family history of alcoholism, blah blah) but even if it was safe for me to drink, I wouldn't do it. I'm fine with my coffees and teas and juices whatnot, and out of what I HAVE had, I've not liked any of it save for certain kinds of champagne, mostly because they just remind me of soda. I dunno, I'm kind of like a little kid when it comes to this stuff. At least I feel that way. It's so weird to go to social events and be surrounded by people with drinks in their hands and have to turn them down multiple times, and have to keep explaining why because some people will still be extraordinarily pushy even after you tell them you don't drink. I've had people go after-school-special on me and try to get me to drink EVEN AFTER I've told them I'm on certain medications that strictly prohibit alcohol consumption, because "nobody listens to those warnings" - like, dude. I know not everyone heeds them, but I don't want to tempt fate. I'd rather just have a soda. It's cool.

I've also had some bad experiences regarding people um, putting things in my drinks, so it's just not a good thing for me. I avoid it. Meanwhile my partner has literally never touched any sort of alcohol in his life, has no desire to, and people just leave him alone because he's big and intimidating-looking :p This is what I get for being all short and nice, haha.