The Official Feedback Thread

I think I have an idea: how about we make a sub-forum for suggestions in the Bell Tree HQ? So basically this thread here can serve as more of a general discussion and whatnot while people who have a suggestion can just make a thread in the sub-forum and people can discuss it there. It keeps things organized, especially for the staff.
This would help a lot until there is a solution since I am probably not going to remember who said they were uncomfortable with it. I know when I was uncomfortable with unsolicited advice in the bothering thread, a staff member told me to add no replies to my post. A few people still didn’t listen, but it helped for the most part.
yeah, so as a short-term solution, it could be helpful to have staff backup on this. in the sense of… making an announcement/temporary “community guideline”-type thing that says “hey be mindful of peoples’ requests until we work out a long-term solution to this.” a lot of people won’t really be aware/listen unless it’s made kinda obvious why people are making those requests (and that they’re making them in the first place) :)
it'd be nice, except in the past I have contacted the staff myself when people disrespected my wishes for no responses/reacts because it genuinely hurt me, and they seemed to not really care, saying that this is a forum which encourages conversation. but like, does the staff value that tradition at the cost of having their members feel disrespected? that's part of the reason why my activity here dropped off. I don't think I'm being too sensitive here.
Toggling emojis and providing an alternative support emoji would by pass having to write out wishes hoping that others listen or even see them (signatures don't show in my phone for example) and by pass another thing for staff to have to moderate if people given unwanted reactions.
Also, one official feedback thread is less for staff to have to watch closely, and topics would more than likely be discussed one at a time here opposed to many sub threads at once.
it'd be nice, except in the past I have contacted the staff myself when people disrespected my wishes for no responses/reacts because it genuinely hurt me, and they seemed to not really care, saying that this is a forum which encourages conversation. but like, does the staff value that tradition at the cost of having their members feel disrespected? that's part of the reason why my activity here dropped off. I don't think I'm being too sensitive here.
I understand not enforcing "no responses" because this is a discussion forum. IMO if a post is that personal to you it should probably be kept private or between friends, not in a public thread.

Similarly I can kinda understand them not wanting to police reactions, hence a toggle (if it's even possible) or a change would be best IMO.
I did not think expressing my discomfort with the hug react would prompt so much of a discussion I gotta say.
I'm surprised people are still talking about it now. I think most people are fine with the hug emote, seeing that people like using it and just in general- most people like that sort of thing (i.e. the "virtual hug" images). The hug emote isn't bad in any way- for me personally, I only agreed with the OG post just as a, "Yeah, I don't like the hug emote".

I feel like the solutions people have brought up aren't going to be implemented at all so it's more like a idea for an ideal world (changing it to be a flower or it being a toggle) so I don't really see the point in discussing it in depth. No matter what the emote is- the pick wouldn't be perfect.

The warnings on my profile bother me and I wish I could close them or turn them off.

If they expired months or years ago and I acknowledged them, why do I still have to see them? I know they aren't visible to others but this is still something that's etched into my profile each time I click it.

It almost makes my account feel tainted with a constant forced reminder of past mistakes that I've already tried my best to learn from. It feels like I'm still being punished.
I agree with this.
I got a warning stuck on my profile for something and was told it was going to go away and it wasn't seen as a punishment? But it's still there lmao
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I understand not enforcing "no responses" because this is a discussion forum. IMO if a post is that personal to you it should probably be kept private or between friends, not in a public thread.

Similarly I can kinda understand them not wanting to police reactions, hence a toggle (if it's even possible) or a change would be best IMO.
No need to be so rude to, Bugs. Their concerns are valid. That may be true but isn’t this place also supposed to be a safe place? Not to mention, maybe their friends and other means of support or unavailable or he knows other friends are struggling and he doesn’t want to invalidate their problems.

Edit: I know it is difficult to control but it is still worth mentioning and giving some thought.
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I'm surprised people are still talking about it now. I think most people are fine with the hug emote, seeing that people like using it and just in general- most people like that sort of thing (i.e. the "virtual hug" images). The hug emote isn't bad in any way- for me personally, I only agreed with the OG post just as a, "Yeah, I don't like the hug emote".

I feel like the solutions people have brought up aren't going to be implemented at all so it's more like a idea for an ideal world (changing it to be a flower or it being a toggle) so I don't really see the point in discussing it in depth. No matter what the emote is- the pick wouldn't be perfect.

I'm honestly like... regretting bringing it up I did not think it needed 2 pages of discussion 😭 Didn't know people were so passionate about a forum reaction

there is no need to be so rude to Bugs. Their concerns are valid. That may be true but isn’t this place also supposed to be a safe place? Not to mention, maybe their friends and other means of support or unavailable or he knows other friends are struggling and he doesn’t want to invalidate their problems.
I'm not being rude though. It's not rude to disagree with someone or have a different opinion, if it was then the people disagreeing with my feelings on the hug react are also rude (I don't actually believe this, just pointing out the double standard).

The term "safe space" being watered down for things like this is unfortunate. This term was originally for spaces that are safe for marginalized communities, not for being "safe" from a disagreement. On another note, bringing up your problems to friends does not invalidate your friends' problems, if your friends feel that way then they aren't very good friends!
I like the idea of being able to toggle reactions on and off but how hard would that be on the staff to implement. I have accidentally hit the wrong one mostly because my phone likes to pick the like one even if I don’t want to. So apologies to anyone if I accidentally or unknowingly picked the wrong one or used one when I should not have. I hadn’t thought about it but I get why someone wouldn’t want hug react on their post. Unfortunately I don’t see there being a perfect reaction that would make sense to everyone.
I understand not enforcing "no responses" because this is a discussion forum. IMO if a post is that personal to you it should probably be kept private or between friends, not in a public thread.
it's not that difficult to respect one's wishes though. especially when the resulting response comes across as being a know-it-all. that's not directed at you but I've seen instances of this before. it gets old.
it's not that difficult to respect one's wishes though. especially when the resulting response comes across as being a know-it-all. that's not directed at you but I've seen instances of this before. it gets old.
A lot of people in WBY post things that are actually harmful or worrying with "please do not respond" on the end, so I stand by thinking it shouldn't be an enforced rule. Because of this staff would have to monitor that thread even more as well and discuss whether replies were warranted or not, and I don't really think it's a fair expectation on them.
I feel like that kind of thing is hard to monitor and kind of unnecessary on a forum site. You'll just have to put your trust in the community and hope people are respectful of your posts. You could always confront the people who react to your post or block them.

Personally , I'd just make a private Twitter. Or just don't post it at all? Like seliph said, some things are genuinely concerning
I have accidentally hit the wrong one mostly because my phone likes to pick the like one even if I don’t want to.
i am so guilty of this 😭😭😭 like please ignore the subsequent notifications of me fixing my react lol

toggling reacts would be nice, but i’m also wondering if that’s possible on the backend

on a completely different note, i think event currencies are pretty easy to obtain if you participate in enough activities but!!! the higher priced item costs so much so i feel like you can’t get a lot of collectibles yourself without relying on friends or the hoping someone will be selling in the marketplace. idk if that made sense 😞
I think photos on "what do you look like" should auto delete after a while, idk if that's like impossible or not but there's a history of creeps on here waiting to dm you on discord or private message suspiciously after posting and I don't think there's any age restriction on posting there so it makes me worried
I have also hit the wrong react many times, especially on mobile. I like using "love" but it is right next to "celebrate" so if anyone got a weird celebrate react it might have been me lmao
I think photos on "what do you look like" should auto delete after a while, idk if that's like impossible or not but there's a history of creeps on here waiting to dm you on discord or private message suspiciously after posting and I don't think there's any age restriction on posting there so it makes me worried

I agree. A friend of mine had years back told me about some stalking going on. I don’t ever post there but she knows I have friends that do and told me to let them know. I’ve brought this up recently too in a CAS thread.
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on a completely different note, i think event currencies are pretty easy to obtain if you participate in enough activities but!!! the higher priced item costs so much so i feel like you can’t get a lot of collectibles yourself without relying on friends or the hoping someone will be selling in the marketplace. idk if that made sense 😞

Yeah, events and collectibles are interesting on TBT. I feel like during events on other forums and games I've participated in, I've usually been able to collect all event items and even extras of a few, but on TBT I can never get enough event currency to afford even one of each event collectible during most events. And in the end that usually means I can only get the collectibles I really want and definitely don't have any extras to sell. Of course there are exceptions, like the Season of Giving events. It is a bit annoying. On other sites I always enjoyed having giveaways and selling items, but on here I rarely have any spares to sell or give away. Like I would like to help other people get collectibles they want, but I can barely even get what I want 😅
I also think it's reasonable for staff to not enforce "No response/reacts" rules that members may make on their posts. Like staff and @/seliph said, this is a discussion forum, so it would be strange to police that imo. Not quite sure how this difference in opinion could be seen as rude? Apologies if I'm overlooking something, but if anything, I think the dynamic of a forum is different than other social media (twitter, instagram, etc.) in the sense that staff have and will take action on members who are exhibiting rude behaviour. Meanwhile people can and will say anything on more mainstream social media without any repercussions.

If there are genuinely concerning or harmful posts being made in certain threads, I think it's only natural that people would feel the need to reply. At the end of the day, what you post online is public and technically anyone is allowed to reply or react the way they want to. In regards to the forums specifically, if the responses are harmful (ex: someone attacking the poster's character, trolling, not being constructive at all, etc.) then I feel like that definitely warrants a warning/staff involvement of some kind, but if the responses are civil and constructive, I'm having trouble seeing why staff would need to get involved in the first place. Punishing people for wanting to educate/inform someone who they genuinely believe has a harmful opinion would be odd to me, as they're most likely doing it out of concern. Not saying you have to take the advice or even hear them out, as everyone is entitled to their own opinion at the end of the day, but in that kind of situation it's best to just agree to disagree and move on.

As @/MrBox suggested, I feel like a private twitter would be the way to go, or something like a journal to express your thoughts and feelings. Especially if it's something that may come across as harmful or controversial. If you're not open to responses of any kind, the best course of action would be to find a more private outlet.
I agree. A friend of mine had years back told me about some stalking going on. I don’t ever post there but she knows I have friends that do and told me to let them know. I’ve brought this up recently too in a CAS thread.
Omg I was so dumb when I responded to that. 😂 I didn’t post any pics of myself, I just said I was tall and had long legs and even kinda resembled a Longlegs from One Piece. Then I got confused when I saw all the pics lol.

As far as the “no responses” go I am
tempted to respond to some, BUT I try to respect the person’s wishes. I don’t want to burn any bridges, you know what I mean? Sometimes we need to vent, and that’s OK. However, I think if you don’t want any reactions or responses, journaling is the best way to go.
I've been keeping up with replies here and just generally acknowledging what everyone has to say. I don't have much to contribute myself, but going to +1 posts in the "what do you look like" thread auto-deleting after a set period of time. I've always felt very awkward in the past posting there and then having to go back and manually delete it. There was also an instance in which someone called me out on it, which was super awkward and rude at the time (said person doesn't use the site anymore). I'm sure others have felt the same before, and I don't think there's any real reason to still have old photos be there anyway.
I love how much kindness we have in our forum, but I feel that people need to remember that, while the staff has a responsibility to protect the community, this does not erase personal accountability. I am not calling out anyone directly, and I don't want anyone to feel bad for making a suggestion, so please take my word in good faith. I'm also not sure if some of these mentioned are with an "in an ideal world..." musing in mind, so apologies.

In life, there is no guaranteed safety when you choose to be emotionally vulnerable (believe me, I wish there was). When you confide into a person, no matter your relationship, there is always a risk of disappointment and hurt. Likewise, this risk extends to a public forum. Of course, we should encourage one another to be mindful of people's feelings, but having a melting pot of different people with different views and experiences means that miscommunications and conflicts will happen.

I think it's an unfair burden on the staff to expect them to go through hoops to fix particular social issues with technology (that may not exist with a dated forum), when a far easier solution exists and is being utilized.

If the risk of pain is greater than the benefit of posting what you want to vent or share, there are safer alternative methods. Or, like many people already do, post it and set an alarm to remove it when you're no longer comfortable with it being visible.

Being that this is a public space, there is always someone you don't like or wouldn't like if you knew certain details about them. Everyone here has an opinion I disagree with, and the same goes for everyone about at least one of my opinions.

You either curate your friend group and share with those that have proven to be worthy of your vulnerability, or you take steps to mitigate the risk (but still accept that it exists and that people you don't like will see your content).

That being said, the lack of age restriction on photo sharing does concern me if there is a history of sexual harassment (esp given the all ages audience of Animal Crossing). I would totally be down for an age-restricted section of the forum, but I also know that it would create added work on an already stretched staff to enforce no identifying IRL photos outside that section.

Also, on the note of concerning content in WBY and similar threads, it feels unfair and tonedeaf to speak in certain ways, and then tell others that they can't respond. If a person says something that makes me feel like they are a danger to themselves or others, it is the empathetic, human response to want to keep that person safe. Courtesy should not be held above genuine concern, especially when the danger that follows saying nothing is too great.