I think there's a lot of stigma regarding people who call themselves a "furry." Like it's easy to assume that those people are like
reeeeeally into animals to the point of being downright creepy and, in my opinion, pretty stupid too.
I would go as far as to say that I am a "furry" but I'm definitely not one of those weird people that have some strange attraction to animals or people in fursuits. I'm a HUGE fan of anthro animals (my toyhou/se is littered with anthro animal characters that I've created over the years) and I love the idea of dressing up as an animal as well, but I'm definitely not a creep about it. I hate that the stigma has led majority of people to think that furries are gross and unsettling.
I'm not really open about it for this reason, but yes I love anthro animals!! They're absolutely adorableeee ❀.(*?◡`*)❀.
If anyone is interested in them as well and wants to check out my toyhou.se you can
click here <3