The Official Nikolympics Thread!

Trela said:
Thaier said:
Very well put Trela maybe we can bring it back during the summer.
That would be nice, but I'm busy creating a Brawl Website ALL Summer, so no fun for meh :(
All work and no play makes Trela a dull person.

Btw, I looked up Mr.3000 on youtube. Scary....
I knew this was coming....

Well hopefully this can happen during the summer when most of us are avaliable, if Trela is busy i'll organize.

Let me know what you guys think!
Thaier said:
Do I really have to explain?
I believe you do.

I mean, I think I know what you mean but wouldn't the majority of the people be avaliable in the summer moreso then now? I mean isn't it worth a shot?