The Official Villager Signature Thread!

Alright, Taiga's gates are open. It is set to Toy Day right now, but I don't think that affects your ability to get signatures.

Since I'm doing something else at the moment, my character will just stand there unresponsive. Feel free to go ahead and collect them without any response from me.
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If anyone is available Zell would like signatures for the petition "Hugs, Not Thugs" lol if I can drop by sometime within the next three hours that would be great :D
If anyone is available Zell would like signatures for the petition "Hugs, Not Thugs" lol if I can drop by sometime within the next three hours that would be great :D

You may come to my town. I can open the gates in a moment.
hi! diana is apparently scared of clowns... she's given me a petition to ban all scary clowns lol! could anyone help me out?
Ankha needs signatures to "Ban Scary Clowns." Now, this is a cause I'm sure all of you could get behind. Anyone willing to let me visit briefly?

*EDIT: Got it, thank you!
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