The out of context quotes thread

That’s it. You people have stood in my way long enough. I’m going to clown college. *leaves*

…I don’t think any of us expected him to say that.
Look, we can talk this over.

No more talk. It is time for us to take you for a ride.

Oh, no. Mind if I go to the bathroom first?

I see no harm in that.

*runs to the bathroom, slams the door shut, opens the window, jumps out, enters his car, drives to the nearest airport and flies away, all off screen*

…when he’s done in there, I gotta go.
“You can do it, Poputan! You can do it, Poputan!”
*Poputan gets annoyed and angry and starts to scream and throws the stool and kicks the bucket away from her and storms off*
“Poputan is unable to deal with societal pressures any longer and is now rejecting society altogether. You might be unknowingly putting pressure on someone when showing your support and making them suffer.”
"I'm goin's shoppin's! Yes, shoppin's, to buys each and every ones of you a gift! And I wants to see the looks on all your fats ****in' faces when I gives you great presents! Haha, **** you!" *He leaves the room*

"I don't believe I've ever been spoken to like that before."